In today’s news: a 100-year-old organ which was played in the trenches of the First World War. Sir Antonio Pappano records Bernstein for centenary year. Why you should absolutely be studying music beyond GCSE, a new partnership for Garsington Opera, the Philharmonia and the English Concert. Edinburgh’s new music venue design revealed. The Rhapsody in School project, awarded with an ECHO in 2014, has now also reached the opera houses. Interview with Icelandic musician Ólafur Arnalds about his new CD.
Classic FM
This 100-year-old organ was played in the trenches of the First World War
Organist Beverley Palin bought the instrument for £45 in a second-hand shop and now regularly performs on this piece of history.
Video of the day: Sir Antonio Pappano records Bernstein
Celebrating the Bernstein centenary with Sir Antonio Pappano, Beatrice Rana, Dame Josephine Barstow and Marie-Nicole Lemieux.
Classic FM
Why you should absolutely be studying music beyond GCSE
As GCSE and A-Level results have been at the forefront of many students’ thoughts this week, some might be wondering ‘what do I do next?’.
New partnership for Garsington Opera, the Philharmonia and the English Concert
In the lead up to its 30th anniversary year, Garsington Opera has announced a partnership with the Philharmonia and the English Concert.
Edinburgh’s new music venue design revealed
International Music and Performing Arts Charitable Trust (IMPACT) Scotland is leading the project to build a new performance venue in Edinburgh.
The New York Times
In Praise of Bernstein as Conductor: Movement That Mesmerized
To his fans, especially the baby boomers who were the target audience for his Young People’s Concerts, his theatrical podium persona was thrilling.
Süddeutsche Zeitung
Sängertreffen auf halber Strecke
In Maisachs katholischer Kirche geben am Samstag drei Chöre ein gemeinsames Konzert. Der örtliche Männergesangverein empfängt dabei sein Pendant aus Neuenkirchen und den “Coro Peralba” aus Italien.
Deutschlandfunk Kultur
Der isländische Musiker Ólafur Arnalds
Elektronik, Klassik und ein bisschen Chaos.
Fono Forum
Das 2014 mit einem ECHO für Nachwuchsförderung ausgezeichnete Schulprojekt Rhapsody in School, bei dem inzwischen über 400 Musikerinnen und Musiker ehrenamtlich mitmachen, hat nun auch die Opernhäuser erreicht.
El País
Algunas rarezas para lo que queda de verano
La música rompe el curso de las cosas, te arranca hacia otra parte.
RT sony_classical “Gee, OFFICER KRUPKE! Check out these great moments from LennyBernstein’s Broadway career and listen to our favorites here: #SonyClassicalSpotlights“
— Sony Classical UK (@SonyClassicalUK) August 23, 2018

The 100-year-old organ is regularly played by Beverley. (c) Beverley Palin