
8th October: Paris Opera considering blackface ban, Zurich Opera cancels Opera Ball, The Avignon-Provence Orchestra labelled

Thursday 8th October 2020

Paris Opera considering blackface ban after staff pressure to end racism

In 2020, Paris Opera could finally ban blackface in its operas and ballets, after nearly a quarter of the company’s staff signed an open letter against racism. Signed by 400 staff members, the letter also calls for pointe shoes and tights to match dancers’ skin colour, a practice already commonplace in Europe’s major ballet companies.

The manifesto also calls for a ban on use of the N-word in speech at the opera. Staff ultimately called for an end to “the silence that surrounds racism”.

In response, the opera’s director Alexander Neef has launched an external investigation into the claims. A report, delivered by ombudswoman Constance Rivière and historian Pap Ndiaye, is expected come December

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Oper Zürich sagt Opernball erneut ab

Die Oper Zürich hat ihren Opernball erneut abgesagt. Grund sind die Auflagen des Schweizerischen Bundesrats aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie, die wahrscheinlich auch im März 2021 noch keine Veranstaltungen mit rund 1.600 Teilnehmern erlauben werden.

“In Anbetracht des immensen Organisationsaufwands und der langen Vorlaufzeit mussten wir bereits jetzt diese sehr traurige Entscheidung treffen”, so das Haus. Im kommenden Jahr sollte bei Züricher Opernball unter anderem das 20. Jubiläum aus diesem Jahr nachgefeiert werden. 2020 hätte der Ball zur Zeit des Lockdowns stattfinden sollen, wurde dann jedoch verschoben.

Am geplanten Datum sollen nun Ballett-Aufführungen stattfinden. Wann die nächste Ausgabe des Opernballs nach der erneuten Absage stattfinden soll, ist noch nicht bekannt.


Zurich Opera House cancels Opera Ball again

Zurich Opera House has cancelled its Opera Ball once again. The reason is the conditions imposed by the Swiss Federal Council due to the corona pandemic, which will probably still not allow events with around 1,600 participants in March 2021.

“In view of the immense organisational effort and the long lead time, we have already had to make this very sad decision,” the House said. Next year, Zurich Opera Ball was to celebrate, among other things, the 20th anniversary of this year’s event. In 2020 the ball should have taken place at the time of the lockdown, but was then postponed.

Ballet performances are planned to take place on the date. It is not yet known when the next edition of the Opera Ball will take place after the renewed cancellation.

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L’Orchestre Avignon-Provence labellisé

L’Orchestre Régional Avignon-Provence a été labellisé « orchestre national en région », il devient l’Orchestre National Avignon-Provence. Cette annonce a été faite officiellement aux musiciens le 2 octobre par la ministre de la Culture lors de son déplacement à Avignon, dans le cadre des États-généraux des festivals.

L’Orchestre est le quatrième à obtenir cette labellisation après l’Orchestre de Picardie, l’Orchestre d’Auvergne et l’Orchestre symphonique de Bretagne. Les orchestres labellisés reçoivent un soutien de l’État pour leur fonctionnement et la mise en œuvre de leur projet « d’intérêt général » dans le cadre d’une convention pluriannuelle d’objectifs avec les collectivités territoriales partenaires.

Debora Waldman assure la direction musicale de l’Orchestre National Avignon-Provence depuis le 1er septembre 2020.

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The Avignon-Provence Orchestra labelled

The Orchestre Régional Avignon-Provence was labelled “national orchestra in the region”, it became the Orchestre National Avignon-Provence. This announcement was officially made to the musicians on October 2nd by the Minister of Culture during her visit to Avignon, within the framework of the États-généraux des festivals.

The Orchestra is the fourth to obtain this label after the Orchestre de Picardie, the Orchestre d’Auvergne and the Orchestre symphonique de Bretagne. The labelled orchestras receive State support for their operation and the implementation of their “general interest” project within the framework of a multi-year agreement on objectives with partner local authorities.

Debora Waldman has been the musical director of the Avignon-Provence National Orchestra since 1st September 2020.

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