Great Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki has died, aged 86
One of the most important composers and conductors of the past six decades has passed away.
The classical world has lost one of the great composers, and Poland is mourning one of its most passionate music educators and cultural ambassadors.
“After a long and serious illness, Krzysztof Penderecki – one of the greatest Polish musicians, a world authority in the field of classical music died,” Poland’s Ministry of Culture said in a tweet.
Penderecki was born on 23 November 1933 in Dębica, southeastern Poland. At a young age, he learned violin and piano, going on to study at the Conservatoire and Academy of Music in Krakow. In 1959, Penderecki won all three available prizes at the II Warsaw Competition for Young Composers.
Opernhäuser produzieren Schutzmasken gegen das Coronavirus
Kostümschneider in ganz Deutschland an Hilfeleistung beteiligt
Immer mehr deutsche Opernhäuser helfen bei der Versorgung mit Atemschutzmasken als Schutz vor dem sich verbreitenden Coronavirus mit. Nachdem die Oper Bonn bereits vergangene Woche begonnen hatte, Masken aus Stoff zu nähen, beteiligen sich jetzt auch andere Häuser mit ihren Kostümwerkstätten an der Produktion. Mittlerweile stellen unter anderem das Nordharzer Städtebundtheater, das Staatstheater Mainz, die Deutsche Oper Berlin, das Theater Hagen, das Stadttheater Regensburg, das städtische Theater Heidelberg, das Saarländische Staatstheater und das Theater Baden-Baden waschbare Masken und teilweise auch Schutzkittel her, um in ihrer Region Stadt, Krankenhäuser oder Feuerwehr mit Schutzausrüstung zu unterstützen.

Opera houses produce protective masks against the coronavirus
Costume tailors all over Germany involved in aid
More and more German opera houses are helping to provide respiratory masks as protection against the spreading corona virus. After the Oper Bonn had already started sewing masks out of fabric last week, other opera houses are now also participating in the production with their costume workshops. Meanwhile, the Nordharzer Städtebundtheater, the Staatstheater Mainz, the Deutsche Oper Berlin, the Theater Hagen, the Stadttheater Regensburg, the Stadttheater Heidelberg, the Saarländisches Staatstheater and the Theater Baden-Baden, among others, are producing washable masks and sometimes protective gowns to support cities, hospitals or fire brigades in their region with protective equipment.
Découvrez les programmes du TCE et de l’Opéra de Lyon pour 2020/2021 !
Même si les grandes institutions musicales françaises souffrent en cette période de restrictions dues à la pandémie de coronavirus, cela ne les empêche pas de préparer l’avenir. Le Théâtre des Champs-Élysées et l’Opéra de Lyon viennent de dévoiler leur ambitieuse programmation pour la saison 2020/2021. Comme chaque année, le Théâtre des Champs-Élysées (TCE) proposera une programmation d’une grande diversité de genres, d’artistes (de renom et de jeunes talents), de répertoire. « C’est notre ADN » insiste Michel Franck, le directeur général du TCE depuis 10 ans. Pas moins de 6 opéras seront mis en scène dont le Messie de Haendel/Mozart, en coproduction avec le Festival de Salzbourg, dans une mise en scène de Bob Wilson et dirigé par Marc Minkowski, qui ouvrira la saison en septembre prochain.

Discover the TCE and Lyon Opera’s programmes for 2020/2021!
Even if the major French musical institutions are suffering in this period of restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic, this does not prevent them from preparing for the future. The Théâtre des Champs-Élysées and the Opéra de Lyon have just unveiled their ambitious programme for the 2020/2021 season. As every year, the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées (TCE) will offer a programme of a wide variety of genres, artists (both renowned and young talents) and repertoire. “It’s our DNA,” insists Michel Franck, TCE’s general manager for the past 10 years. No less than 6 operas will be staged, including Handel/Mozart’s Messiah, in coproduction with the Salzburg Festival, directed by Bob Wilson and conducted by Marc Minkowski, which will open the season next September.