
23rd October: Philharmonia’s Hear and Now dementia initiative celebrates 10th anniversary, Knapp 35 Millionen Theater- und Orchesterbesucher, Richard Brunel succédera à Serge Dorny à la tête de l’Opéra de Lyon

Wednesday 23rd October 2019

Philharmonia’s Hear and Now dementia initiative celebrates 10th anniversary

Hear and Now, the Philharmonia Orchestra’s intergenerational musical dementia project, celebrates its 10th anniversary next month with a new partnership with the University of Bedfordshire.

Co-produced with Orchestras Live, the project is based in Queens Park, Bedford and has seen over 700 people take part since its establishment in 2009. Hear and Now brings together participants with dementia and their carers, from the Tibbs Dementia Foundation’s Music 4 Memory Singing Group, with young musicians from the grassroots Bedford musical initiative Fusion Youth Singing. Together with Philharmonia Orchestra musicians and workshop leaders, participants create and perform their own music across a series of workshops through sharing memories and culture, culminating in a concert performance.

The new partnership with the University of Bedfordshire will include a research project investigating the impact of intergenerational projects on participants’ sense of community and wellbeing, as well as measuring the effect of work in community arts projects on professional artists and musicians. The culmination of this year’s project will take place at the University of Bedfordshire on Sunday 17 November, and will incorporate dance, movement and film alongside the music for the first time.

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Knapp 35 Millionen Theater- und Orchesterbesucher

Die Theater und Orchester in Deutschland haben in der Spielzeit 2017/18 rund 34,7 Millionen Besucher angezogen. Das geht aus der neuen Theaterstatistik hervor, die der Deutsche Bühnenverein am Dienstag veröffentlicht hat. In der Vorsaison waren es 35,5 Millionen Zuschauer bei den öffentlich getragenen Häusern und Ensembles sowie Privattheatern, selbständigen Sinfonieorchestern und Rundfunkorchestern. Damit sei in etwa der Stand der Spielzeit 2012/13 erreicht worden.

Die Zahl der Vorstellungen an öffentlich getragenen Theatern und Orchestern ist den Angaben zufolge auf 65.356 zurückgegangen (2016/17: 65.794). Im gleichen Zeitraum wurden 9,6 Prozent mehr Rahmenveranstaltungen wie Programmeinführungen, Publikumsgespräche oder Podiumsdiskussionen angeboten. Damit setze sich ein Trend der letzten Jahre fort, erklärte der Geschäftsführende Direktor des Bühnenvereins, Marc Grandmontagne. Dies zeige, “wie sehr die öffentlichen Theater daran arbeiten, in ihren Städten und Regionen künstlerisch und gesellschaftlich am Ball zu bleiben”.

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Almost 35 million theatre and orchestra visitors

Theatres and orchestras in Germany attracted around 34.7 million visitors in the 2017/18 season. This is shown by the new theatre statistics published by the Deutsche Bühnenverein on Tuesday. In the pre-season, there were 35.5 million spectators at the publicly supported theatres and ensembles as well as private theatres, independent symphony orchestras and radio orchestras. This is roughly the same as the 2012/13 season.

The number of performances at publicly supported theatres and orchestras has fallen to 65,356 (2016/17: 65,794). In the same period, 9.6% more supporting events such as programme introductions, public discussions or panel discussions were offered. This is a continuation of the trend of recent years, explained the managing director of the Bühnenverein, Marc Grandmontagne. This shows “to what extent public theatres are working to stay on the ball artistically and socially in their cities and regions”.

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Richard Brunel succédera à Serge Dorny à la tête de l’Opéra de Lyon

Richard Brunel a été nommé ce mardi 22 octobre à la tête de l’Opéra de Lyon à compter de septembre 2021, après le départ de l’emblématique Serge Dorny. Sa candidature avait été proposée plus tôt dans la journée par les collectivités lyonnaises et le ministre de la Culture, Franck Riester. “Richard Brunel traduit la même innovation que celle du recrutement de Serge Dorny en 2003”, souligne le maire de Lyon Gérard Collomb dans un communiqué. L’Opéra National de Lyon est l’un des plus réputés de France et a reçu ces dernières années plusieurs distinctions européennes.

“Très heureux” de cette proposition, Richard Brunel, 47 ans, a fait de la Comédie de Valence un centre bouillonnant de création et une pépinière de jeunes talents. Dans son projet, il prévoit d’explorer “de nouveaux processus de création qui permettront aux compositeurs, chefs d’orchestre, metteurs en scène et chorégraphes de la nouvelle génération de faire oeuvre à Lyon aux côtés des grands noms d’aujourd’hui”. “Il portera une grande attention à la jeunesse, à la diversité et à l’accessibilité de tous les publics à l’Opéra de Lyon, en dialogue permanent avec la cité”, ajoute le communiqué.

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Richard Brunel will succeed Serge Dorny as head of the Lyon Opera House

Richard Brunel was appointed head of the Opéra de Lyon on Tuesday 22 October 2021, following the departure of the emblematic Serge Dorny. His candidacy was proposed earlier in the day by Lyon’s local authorities and the Minister of Culture, Franck Riester. “Richard Brunel reflects the same innovation as that of Serge Dorny’s recruitment in 2003,” said Lyon Mayor Gérard Collomb in a statement. The Opéra National de Lyon is one of the most renowned opera houses in France and has received several European awards in recent years.

“Very happy” with this proposal, Richard Brunel, 47, has made the Comédie de Valence a vibrant creative centre and a breeding ground for young talent. In his project, he plans to explore “new creative processes that will enable composers, conductors, directors and choreographers of the new generation to work in Lyon alongside today’s great names”. “He will pay great attention to youth, diversity and accessibility for all audiences at the Opéra de Lyon, in constant dialogue with the city,” the statement added.

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