
18th December: Pianist to complete all Beethoven Sonatas, Female artistic director at Festspiele MV, Paris Opera Protest Continues

Wednesday 18th December 2019

Pianist Boris Giltburg embarks on year-long quest to perform complete Beethoven sonatas

Giltburg will learn all 32 Beethoven piano sonatas in chronological order, 23 of which he has never played before, as part of celebrations that mark the 250th anniversary of the composer’s birth.

Working with audio-visual label Fly On The Wall, he will film his performances and share them as live, uncut visual albums at regular intervals. The project launches on 17th January 2020 with Sonata Op 2/1.

Giltburg commented: ‘This year I will be intensely living through Beethoven’s 32 sonatas and I am excited about the huge challenge as much as the ensuing journey of discovery. What started as a crazy idea is fast becoming an all-consuming obsession.’

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Festspiele MV bekommen erstmals Intendantin

Die Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern bekommen erstmals eine Intendantin: Die Dramaturgin und Musikmanagerin Ursula Haselböck wurde am Dienstag in Schwerin als Nachfolgerin von Markus Fein vorgestellt, der zur Alten Oper Frankfurt wechselt. Die gebürtige Österreicherin übernimmt die Position zum 1. September 2020. Derzeit ist sie Dramaturgin am Konzerthaus Berlin.

Mit Haselböck (38) habe sich die Findungskommission einstimmig für eine Intendantin entschieden, “die das Wesen unseres Festivals überzeugend verkörpert: jung und neugierig, innovativ und traditionsbewusst, international vernetzt und der Region verpflichtet”, sagte der kaufmännische Direktor der Festspiele, Toni Berndt. Die frühzeitige Klärung der Nachfolge des “so prägenden und verdienstvollen Intendanten” Fein ermögliche einen reibungslosen Wechsel an der Spitze der Festspielleitung, betonte der Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende Horst Klinkmann.

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Festspiele MV get female artistic director for the first time

The Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern will for the first time have a female artistic director: the dramaturg and music manager Ursula Haselböck was presented in Schwerin on Tuesday as the successor to Markus Fein, who is moving to the Alte Oper Frankfurt. Born in Austria, she will assume this position on September 1, 2020 and is currently dramaturge at the Konzerthaus Berlin.

With Haselböck (38), the finding commission unanimously chose an artistic director who “convincingly embodies the essence of our festival: young and curious, innovative and tradition-conscious, internationally networked and committed to the region,” said Toni Berndt, commercial director of the festival. The early clarification of the succession of the “so formative and meritorious artistic director” Fein will enable a smooth change at the top of the festival management, emphasized Horst Klinkmann, Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

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Réforme des retraites : à l’Opéra de Paris, la mobilisation continue

Des danseurs en tenue de ville, un tutu passé par-dessus le manteau, des musiciens vêtus de noir, housse d’instrument sur les épaules et pupitres sur le bras : il est quatorze heures ce mardi 17 décembre et près de 350 artistes de l’Opéra de Paris se sont donnés rendez-vous sur le parvis de l’Opéra Bastille. « Opéra de Paris, Opéra de papis », « Retraite à points, retrait des pointes », « La retraite à points, c’est mauvais cygne », etc. Ces slogans étaient dessinés sur de grandes banderoles brandies par les danseurs et les musiciens de l’Orchestre et du Chœur de l’Opéra de Paris, qui bénéficient de l’un des 42 régimes spéciaux de retraite. Régime spécial qu’il défendent depuis le 5 décembre alors que dans sa réforme le gouvernement veut le supprimer pour instaurer un régime universel. L’Opéra de Paris dispose de ce dispositif spécial depuis 1698 et permet aux danseurs du ballet de partir à la retraire à 42 ans. Une prise en compte de la pénibilité du métier et de l’exigence demandée par les chorégraphies des grands ballets.

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Pension reform: At the Paris Opera, the mobilization continues

Dancers in street clothes, a tutu over the coat, musicians dressed in black, instrument cover on their shoulders and desks on their arms: it is 2 p.m. on Tuesday 17 December and nearly 350 artists from the Paris Opera have gathered in front of the Bastille Opera House. “Opéra de Paris, Opéra de papis”, “Retreat with points, withdrawal of points”, “Retreat with points, it’s bad swan”, etc. These slogans were drawn on large banners brandished by the dancers and musicians of the Orchestre et Chœur de l’Opéra de Paris, who benefit from one of the 42 special retirement schemes. A special regime that he has been defending since December 5, when in his reform the government wants to abolish it in order to establish a universal regime. The Paris Opera has had this special system since 1698 and allows ballet dancers to retire at the age of 42. A consideration of the difficulty of the job and the requirement required by the choreographies of the great ballets.

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