
20th August: Campaign launched to build new lightweight vertical grand piano, UMG: masters of ‘many of artists’ in lawsuit were not destroyed in fire, Turkey: Star pianist plays…

Tuesday 20th August 2019

Campaign launched to build new lightweight vertical grand piano

Pianist Sarah Nicolls has launched a crowdfunding campaign to enable her to build a new vertical grand piano weighing only 82 kg. The ‘Standing Grand’ will initially be a hybrid model, using a combination of traditional (metal and wood) and advanced (composites) materials for the optimum sound, cost and weight ratio. Reducing the weight of a standard grand piano by more than 75 per cent, this new vertical piano will be portable and suitable for smaller spaces.

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UMG: masters of ‘many of artists’ in lawsuit were not destroyed in fire

Hole has withdrawn from the class action lawsuit against Universal Music Group after it emerged that their masters were not affected by the 2008 fire at the company’s archive vaults. It follows reports that up to 500,000 master recordings from Universal Music artists were destroyed in the blaze.CEO/chairman Sir Lucian Grainge has promised transparency for artists in the investigation. In a new statement, a UMG spokesperson said: “Over a month ago, without even knowing if the 2008 fire on the NBC/Universal Studios lot affected their clients, plaintiffs’ attorneys rushed to pursue meritless legal claim. UMG’s dedicated global team is actively working directly with our artists and their representatives to provide accurate information concerning the assets we have and what might have been lost in the fire.

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Türkei: Star-Pianist spielt vor Tausenden gegen Abholzung von Wäldern

Der türkische Star-Pianist und Komponist Fazil Say hat mit einem großen Open-Air-Konzert um Aufmerksamkeit für die Abholzung von Wäldern durch eine kanadische Gold-Bergbaufirma in der Nordwesttürkei geworben. Vor Tausenden Zuschauern spielte er am Sonntag auf einem Waldgrundstück nahe der Mine in der Provinz Canakkale ein Stück, das er eigens für den Anlass komponiert hatte. Er unterstützte damit Proteste von Bürgern und Aktivisten, die Ende Juli begonnen und Tausende Teilnehmer angezogen hatten. Canakkale ist mit vielen Kulturstätten und der schönen Küste auch ein Touristenmagnet. Hier liegt zum Beispiel die antike Stadt Troja.

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Turkey: Star pianist plays in front of thousands against deforestation of forests

Turkish star pianist and composer Fazil Say has been promoting a major open-air concert to draw attention to the deforestation of forests by a Canadian gold mining company in northwestern Turkey. In front of thousands of spectators, he played a piece on Sunday on a forest property near the mine in the province of Canakkale, which he had specially composed for the occasion. He supported protests from citizens and activists who started in late July and attracted thousands of participants. Canakkale is with many cultural sites and the beautiful coast also a tourist magnet. Here lies, for example, the ancient city of Troy.

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