PPL pledges £700,000 to coronavirus hardship funds

PPL is pledging £700,000 to three music industry hardship funds set up during the coronavirus lockdown.
PPL will donate £500,000 to Help Musicians Coronavirus Financial Hardship Fund, £100,000 to both the Musicians’ Union Coronavirus Hardship Fund and the AIM Covid-19 Crisis Fund.
Last month, PPL made its latest quarterly payment (£87.6 million) to rightsholders and performers.
PPL CEO Peter Leathem said: “At PPL, we recognise the role of these Hardship Funds in providing a lifeline to those in the music industry who have been most impacted by the current crisis and we are delighted to be able to contribute to the funds established by Help Musicians, The Musicians’ Union and AIM to ensure financial support reaches those in need. This funding is vital for those who have lost their regular means of income and find it challenging to sustain their livelihood.”
Orchesterstiftung sammelt nun mit kommerzieller Unterstützung Geld für Musiker*innen
Die Deutsche Orchester-Stiftung hatte wegen der Corona-Pandemie zu Spenden für freischaffende Berufsmusiker aufgerufen. Mittlerweile sind bereits knapp 1,2 Millionen zusammengekommen.
Die Deutsche Orchester-Stiftung (DOS) hat weitere Unterstützung für die Spendensammelaktion zugunsten freier Berufsmusikerinnen gefunden. Jede Spende, die über die Spotify-Kampagne “Coronavirus Musikhilfe“ an die #MusikerNothilfe fließt, wird ab sofort von dem Musikstreamingdienst Spotify verdoppelt. Der DOS-Fonds ist dabei eine von verschiedenen Projekten in mehreren Ländern, die von Spotify mit einem Gesamtbetrag von maximal 10 Millionen US-Dollar unterstützt wird. Mit dem ersten erreichten Spendenziel der #MusikerNothilfe konnten nach Angaben der DOS bereits 2.500 Antragstellerinnen mit 400 Euro untersützt werden.

Orchestra foundation now collects money for musicians with commercial support
The German Orchestra Foundation had called for donations for freelance professional musicians because of the Corona pandemic. In the meantime, almost 1.2 million have already been collected.
The German Orchestra Foundation (DOS) has found further support for the fundraising campaign in favour of freelance professional musicians. Every donation that goes to #MusikerNothilfe via the Spotify campaign “Coronavirus Musikhilfe” will be doubled by the music streaming service Spotify with immediate effect. The DOS fund is one of several projects in several countries that Spotify supports with a maximum amount of 10 million US dollars. With the first achieved donation goal of #MusikerNothilfe, according to DOS, 2,500 applicants have already been supported with 400 Euros.
La Philharmonie de Paris annule sa programmation jusqu’au 15 juillet
Concerts, conférences, ateliers et visites : la programmation de la Philharmonie de Paris est entièrement annulée jusqu’au 15 juillet. Une annonce qui suit les directives d’Emmanuel Macron sur la prolongation du confinement jusqu’au 11 mai, et l’interdiction des grandes manifestations culturelles jusqu’à mi-juillet.
Le festival Days Off est aussi annulé: la direction de l’établissement de la Porte de Pantin à Paris indique qu’à la suite des dispositions annoncées par le Président de la République le 13 avril dernier, dans le cadre de la lutte contre l’épidémie de Covid-19, la Cité de la musique – Philharmonie de Paris annule sa programmation jusqu’au 15 juillet 2020. Une disposition qui concerne concerts, conférences, ateliers enfants et adultes, visites de la collection permanente du Musée de la musique, Médiathèque.

The Philharmonie de Paris cancels its programming until July 15
Concerts, lectures, workshops and visits: the Philharmonie de Paris program is entirely cancelled until July 15. An announcement that follows Emmanuel Macron’s directives on the extension of the confinement until May 11, and the ban on major cultural events until mid-July.
The Days Off festival is also cancelled: the management of the Porte de Pantin in Paris indicates that following the measures announced by the President of the Republic on 13 April, as part of the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic, the Cité de la musique – Philharmonie de Paris is cancelling its programme until 15 July 2020. This cancellation concerns concerts, lectures, children and adult workshops, visits to the permanent collection of the Music Museum and the Media Library.