
4th December: Professional travelling musicians exempt from quarantine, Hope for News Year’s concert, French operas and orchestras go virtual

Friday 4th December 2020

Professional travelling musicians to be exempt from quarantine regulations

Travelling musicians and other performing artists will no longer have to self-isolate, even if returning to England from a country not on the travel corridors list. Performing artists are one of a group of “business travellers” now exempt from quarantine, starting from 4am on Saturday 5 December.

Others include “high value” business travellers, journalists, TV production staff and recently signed elite sportspeople. Announcing the move on Twitter, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said the new exemptions are “subject to specific criteria being met”, and full guidance will come “soon”.

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Neujahrskonzert: “Zeichen der Hoffnung senden”

Zumindest diese Frage wäre einmal geklärt. Am 1. Jänner wird das Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker zwar aus Covid-Gründen ohne Publikum auskommen müssen – aber nicht ganz ohne Beifall. Am Ende der beiden Programmhälften soll der Applaus ausgewählter TV-Seher in den Musikverein übertragen werden, verlautet der ORF. 

Zwar wird diese Datenleitung kaum über die Leere im Saal hinwegtäuschen. Daniel Froschauer, Vorstand des Orchesters, übte sich bei einer virtuellen Pressekonferenz am Donnerstag dennoch in Optimismus. Er freut sich, dass der Traditionstermin überhaupt gespielt werden darf. Und, so Froschauer: “Wir werden ein Neujahrskonzert auf die Beine stellen, das ein hoffnungsvolles Symbol für die Zukunft sendet.”


New Year’s Concert: “Sending Signs of Hope”

At least this question is clarified. On 1 January, the Vienna Philharmonic New Year’s Concert will take place, without an audience for Covid reasons, but not entirely without applause. At the end of the two halves of the programme, the applause of selected TV viewers will be transmitted to the Musikverein, according to ORF. 

Of course this transmission will hardly hide the emptiness in the hall. But nevertheless, the audience will be able to enjoy the music. Daniel Froschauer, the orchestra’s director, expressed his optimism at a virtual press conference on Thursday. He is pleased that the traditional date is allowed to be played at all. And, said Froschauer: “We will put on a New Year’s Concert that will send a hopeful symbol for the future.“ 

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Opéras et orchestres français font leur festival… virtuel

Intitulé “L’amour de loin”, la manifestation associe 46 institutions musicales de l’Hexagone pour proposer, du 4 au 16 décembre, la diffusion de plus de 35 événements récents voire en direct.

C’est une grande première, orchestrée par le syndicat Les Forces musicales, qui réunit les formations symphoniques et les théâtres lyriques français. « Alors que depuis huit mois, les opéras, orchestres et festivals s’efforcent de nourrir le lien si précieux qui les unit au public, [ils] ont décidé d’unir leurs forces et de donner à voir la France de la musique dans toute sa richesse », indique un communiqué. « Opéras, ballets, concerts, ateliers, débats : plus de 35 évènements en direct ou fraîchement captés permettront à tous de retrouver le goût des émotions que la musique peut nous procurer. »

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French operas and orchestras make their festival … virtual

Entitled “L’amour de loin”, the event brings together 46 musical institutions in France to offer, from 4 to 16 December, the broadcasting of more than 35 recent events, even live.

It is a great premiere, orchestrated by the union Les Forces musicales, which brings together French symphonic groups and opera houses. “While for the past eight months, operas, orchestras and festivals have been striving to nurture the precious bond that unites them with the public, [they] have decided to join forces and showcase France’s music in all its richness,” says a press release. “Operas, ballets, concerts, workshops, debates: more than 35 live or freshly recorded events will allow everyone to rediscover a taste for the emotions that music can bring us. »

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