PRS Foundation announces 55 talent development partners
Launched in 2016 and expanding each year, the network of Talent Development Partners brings together organisations working at the frontline of talent development in the UK. Organisations are selected for the quality and range of opportunities on offer for music creators in their specialist field or region and the year-round impact of their work.
New to join the network this year are organisations Manchester Collective, Nonclassical, South Asian Arts-UK and sounduk Arts. Each will receive a grant from the Foundation for their year-round activity. They also work closely together and with PRS Foundation to address talent pipeline gaps through joint work and signposting.

Studie: Massive Verluste für Musiker durch Corona
Vor allem selbstständige Musiker haben durch die Corona-Pandemie teils massive finanzielle Verluste hinnehmen müssen. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt eine am Donnerstag in Berlin veröffentlichte Studie des Zentrums für Kulturforschung im Auftrag des Deutschen Musikrates.
Selbstständig tätige Musiker mussten demnach während des ersten Lockdowns Umsatzeinbrüche von durchschnittlich etwa 44 Prozent verkraften, während der zweiten Welle waren es 45 Prozent. Etwa ein Fünftel dieser Befragten verzeichnete einen kompletten Ausfall von Umsätzen.
Study shows massive financial losses for musicians due to Corona
Independent musicians in particular have suffered massive financial losses as a result of the Corona pandemic. This is the conclusion of a study published in Berlin on Thursday by the Centre for Cultural Research on behalf of the German Music Council.
According to the survey, self-employed musicians had to cope with a drop in revenues of about 44 percent on average during the first lockdown, and 45 percent during the second wave. About one fifth of the participants experienced a complete loss of sales.
Les salles de spectacle rouvriront le 19 mai
Emmanuel Macron a présenté le calendrier de la levée des restrictions en France. Les lieux culturels pourront recommencer à accueillir du public le 19 mai… si le taux d’incidence le permet.
La date est désormais connue : les salles de spectacle, comme les musées, les commerces ou les terrasses des bars et restaurants, pourront recommencer à accueillir du public à partir du 19 mai. Ce même jour, le couvre-feu sera retardé à 21 heures, ce qui obligera tout de même à commencer les séances assez tôt pour que les spectateurs aient le temps de rentrer chez eux.

Theatres to reopen on 19 May
Emmanuel Macron has presented the timetable for lifting restrictions in France. Cultural venues will be able to resume welcoming the public on 19 May… if the incidence rate allows it.
The date is now set: theatres, as well as museums, shops and the terraces of bars and restaurants, will be able to start welcoming people again from 19 May. On that day, the curfew will be extended to 9pm, which means that shows will have to start early enough to give people time to get home afterwards.