
26th February: Youth Music teams up with PRS Foundation, Accusations against Domingo are true, Lang Lang’s piano lesson to Lewis Hamilton

Wednesday 26th February 2020

Youth Music teams up with PRS Foundation Talent Development Partners

PRS Foundation has announced that its nationwide Talent Development Partner programme will receive support from national charity Youth Music. The PRS Foundation’s network of Talent Development Partners brings together organisations working in talent development to support thousands of music creators across all genres and regions of the UK.Organisations within the network – which includes venues, festivals, rehearsal spaces and studios – are selected because of the quality and range of opportunities on offer for musicians in their specialist field or region, the year-round impact of their work and because of what they bring to the network.Youth Music’s new partnership with PRS Foundation will enable 12 Talent Development Partners to expand their offers, focusing on music creators aged 18–25 and breaking down barriers to access and progression. Thanks to players of People’s Postcode Lottery, Youth Music will invest over £55,000 and provide additional support to create opportunities across England, Scotland and Wales.

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Untersuchung bestätigt Vorwürfe gegenüber Placido Domingo

Eine Untersuchung der Operngewerkschaft American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA) hat die Vorwürfe gegen den Sänger Plácido Domingo bestätigt. Dem unabhängigen Ermitller zufolge reiche das Fehlverhalten des Spaniers bis hin zu sexuellen Annäherungsversuchen. Alle untersuchten Fälle seien auf die Zeit zurückzuführen, in der Domingo leitende Positionen an der Washington National Opera und der Los Angeles Opera hatte, teilweise liegen sie in den 1980ern. In dem Bericht der AGMA wurde außerdem darauf hingewiesen, dass einige Zeugen sich vor der Untersuchung aus Angst nicht gemeldet hatten. Domingo selbst, der die Anschuldigungen bislang zurückgewiesen hatte, entschuldigte sich nach Bekanntwerden des Berichts öffentlich. Er gab an, die volle Verantwortung für sein Handeln übernehmen zu wollen. Dass er mit seiner Verhaltensweise Menschen verletzt habe, tue ihm leid.
In den Vereinigten Staaten waren wegen der im August 2019 bekannt gewordenen Vorwürfe mehrere Veranstaltungen mit Placido Domingo in Mitleidenschaft gezogen worden, großer Opernhäuser beendeten die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Sänger. Domingo legte in der Folge auch sein Amt als Leiter der Los Angeles Opera nieder. In Europa trat der Spanier hingegen weiter auf.

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Investigation confirms accusations against Placido Domingo

An investigation by the opera union American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA) has confirmed the allegations against the singer Plácido Domingo. According to the independent investigator, the Spanish singer’s misconduct ranges up to sexual approaches. All the cases investigated can be traced back to the time Domingo held senior positions at the Washington National Opera and the Los Angeles Opera, some of them dating back to the 1980s. The AGMA report also pointed out that some witnesses had not come forward before the investigation for fear. Domingo himself, who had previously denied the allegations, publicly apologized after the report was made public. He stated that he wanted to take full responsibility for his actions. He was sorry that his behaviour had hurt people.
In the United States, several events with Placido Domingo were affected by the accusations, which became public in August 2019, and major opera houses terminated their cooperation with the singer. Domingo also subsequently resigned as director of the Los Angeles Opera. In Europe, however, the Spaniard continued to perform.

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La leçon de piano de Lang Lang à Lewis Hamilton

Lewis Hamilton, le sextuple champion du monde de Formule 1, était de passage à Paris le week-end dernier. Le pilote britannique en a profité pour démontrer ses talents de pianiste et prendre une leçon de Lang Lang. Dans une vidéo publiée sur les réseaux sociaux, on peut voir et entendre le pilote anglais interpréter l’introduction du tube d’Adele « Someone Like You » (2011) sous les yeux attentifs du grand pianiste qui l’encourage et lui donne quelques conseils. Dans une autre vidéo publiée, c’est Lang Lang qui interprète la « Sonate au clair de lune » de Ludwig Van Beethoven et explique à Lewis Hamilton les secrets de la ligne mélodique du morceau.

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Lang Lang’s piano lesson to Lewis Hamilton

Six-time Formula One World Champion Lewis Hamilton was in Paris last weekend. The British driver took the opportunity to demonstrate his talents as a pianist and take a lesson from Lang Lang. In a video published on social networks, the British driver can be seen and heard playing the introduction to Adele’s hit “Someone Like You” (2011) under the watchful eyes of the great pianist who encourages him and gives him some advice. In another video published, it is Lang Lang who interprets Ludwig Van Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata” and explains to Lewis Hamilton the secrets of the melodic line of the piece.

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