PRS invites members to join diversity roundtables
Following on from Black Out Tuesday and the events that surrounded it, PRS for Music is inviting its members to participate in a series of virtual listening circles.
The sessions will be facilitated by Sonia Meggie and Marvin Aristotle from London-based social enterprise Inspirational YOU and will explore issues related to race and culture that are typically avoided within the music industry.
The objective is to stimulate and facilitate honest, constructive and respectful discussions on what it means to be anti-racist and what sustainable steps are needed to tackle inequality. The sessions have been designed to involve PRS members and employees in order to harness their ideas and feedback.

De Londres à New York, les musiciens «dévastés» par la crise économique
Un cri d’alarme. Un requiem même. Touchés de plein fouet par la crise économique liée au coronavirus, des musiciens de Londres et New York se retrouvent sans ressources. Inquiets, certains envisagent de raccrocher leurs instruments pour trouver une autre source de revenu.
Dans la ville qui ne dort jamais, le Metropolitan Opera préparerait sa réouverture en septembre avec Fire Shut Up in My Bones de Terence Blanchard. Mais devant l’ampleur de la pandémie de l’autre côté de l’Atlantique, le Met a annulé l’intégralité de sa saison 2020-2021. Conséquence, l’ensemble de l’orchestre, privé de salaire depuis avril, voit sa peine rallongée d’un an.
Dans un communiqué, repris par France Musique , l’ensemble s’est dit «dévasté que le Met n’a pas trouvé le moyen d’engager le Metropolitan Opera Orchestra pendant cette fermeture». Il regrette qu’aucun plan alternatif n’ait pu être imaginé par la direction de l’opéra pour éviter une fermeture sèche.

From London to New York, musicians “devastated” by the economic crisis
A cry of alarm. A requiem even. Hard hit by the economic crisis linked to the coronavirus, musicians from London and New York find themselves without resources. Worried, some are considering hanging up their instruments to find another source of income.
In the city that never sleeps, the Metropolitan Opera would prepare its reopening in September with Terence Blanchard‘s Fire Shut Up in My Bones. But faced with the scale of the pandemic on the other side of the Atlantic, the Met has cancelled its entire 2020-2021 season. As a result, the entire orchestra, deprived of salary since April, has had its sentence extended by one year.
In a press release, taken up by France Musique, the ensemble said it was “devastated that the Met has not found a way to hire the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra during this closure”. It regrets that no alternative plan could be devised by the management of the opera to avoid a dry closure.
Semperoper Dresden: Drei Premieren bis Jahresende
Mit den ab November wieder täglich stattfindenden Veranstaltungen von Opern- und Ballettvorstellungen in adaptierter Fassung, die unter Berücksichtigung der geltenden Hygiene-Maßnahmen in nahezu voller Länge mit Pause zur Aufführung kommen, und dem beliebten Begleitprogramm wie Semper Bar und Semper Matinee, freut sich die Semperoper Dresden, gemeinsam mit Ihrem Publikum einen weiteren Schritt dem gewohnten Opernerlebnis entgegengehen zu können.
Dazu tragen auch der auf die Kapazität von ca. 500 Plätzen erweiterte Saalplan, das wieder mögliche Angebot von Programmheften und die Öffnung des Garderobenservices und der gastronomischen Einrichtungen bei.

Semperoper Dresden: Three premieres by the end of the year
From November onwards, opera and ballet performances will again be held daily in an adapted version, which will be performed almost in full length with a break, taking into account the applicable hygiene measures, and the popular accompanying programme such as Semper Bar and Semper Matinee. The Semperoper Dresden is looking forward to taking another step towards the familiar opera experience together with its audience.
This is also due to the expanded seating capacity of about 500, the reopening of programme booklets and the opening of the cloakroom service and catering facilities.