Meet violinist Randall Goosby, the Itzhak Perlman protégé set to inspire a generation
As well as playing in some of the world’s most prestigious concert halls already, American violinist Randall Goosby is a passionate advocate for diversity in classical music, a champion for music education, and a performer who looks out for opportunities to inspire people at every turn, through initiatives such as Project: Music Heals Us and London Music Masters.
“For me, personally, music has been a way for me to inspire others,” Goosby says. And he’s just signed with Decca Classics. Just 24 years old at the time of the signing, the charismatic violinist has already made his Carnegie and Wigmore Hall debuts, been the youngest ever Sphinx Concerto Competition winner, been the first Young Classical Artists Trust (YCAT) Robey artist, and appeared on stage with the legendary violinist Itzhak Perlman.

Les producteurs de concerts privés interpellent la ministre de la Culture
Les signataires de la lettre adressée à Roselyne Bachelot dénoncent le faible montant des aides qui leur sont accordées, bien inférieures à celles dont bénéficient les producteurs des musiques actuelles.
Madame La Ministre,En premier lieu, nous voulons saluer votre engagement envers la musique depuis votre arrivée au Ministère de la Culture, engagement auquel nous sommes particulièrement sensibles.Dans la crise sanitaire qui nous frappe tous, nous producteurs privés de concerts classiques, déjà largement éprouvés depuis sept mois, avons été déstabilisés en apprenant que nous étions le parent pauvre des nouveaux soutiens accordés au secteur. Ainsi par exemple, le montant de l’aide d’urgence accordée aux producteurs privés de musique classique par le CNM [Centre national de la musique] devrait être plafonné à 35.000 €, bien loin de celui accordé aux musiques actuelles et de variété qui est de 500.000 €.

Producers of private concerts call on the Minister of Culture
The signatories of the letter addressed to Roselyne Bachelot denounce the low level of aid granted to them, much lower than that enjoyed by producers of contemporary music.
Dear Minister, first of all, we would like to acknowledge your commitment to music since your arrival at the Ministry of Culture, a commitment to which we are particularly sensitive.In the health crisis that is hitting us all, our private producers of classical concerts, who have already suffered greatly over the past seven months, were destabilised when they learned that we were the poor relation of the new support granted to the sector. For example, the amount of emergency aid granted to private producers of classical music by the CNM [National Music Centre] should be capped at €35,000, a far cry from the €500,000 granted to contemporary and variety music.
Staatskapelle Berlin sagt Tournee in europäische Städte ab
Die Staatskapelle Berlin hat ihre für den kommenden Monat geplante Tournee durch Paris, Athen und Wien abgesagt. Trotz enormer Bemühungen aller Beteiligten könnten die Konzerte in der Corona-Situation nicht durchgeführt werden, teilte die Berliner Staatsoper am Mittwoch mit. Grund seien nicht zuletzt die unterschiedlichen Reise- und Quarantäneregelungen in den drei Staaten. “Wir hoffen sehr, die Konzerte an den jeweiligen Orten in Zukunft nachholen zu können”, hieß es.
In der Zeit vom 6. bis zum 22. November wollten die Staatskapelle und ihr Chefdirigent Daniel Barenboim in der Pariser Philharmonie, im Athener Konzerthaus Megaron und im Wiener Musikverein auftreten.

Staatskapelle Berlin cancels tour to European cities
The Staatskapelle Berlin has cancelled its tour of Paris, Athens and Vienna planned for next month. Despite enormous efforts on the part of everyone involved, the concerts could not be held in the Corona situation, the Berlin State Opera announced on Wednesday. The reason for this is not least the different travel and quarantine regulations in the three states. “We very much hope to be able to catch up on the concerts at the respective locations in the future,” it was said.
From 6 to 22 November, the Staatskapelle and its chief conductor Daniel Barenboim planned to perform at the Paris Philharmonic, the Athens Konzerthaus Megaron and the Wiener Musikverein.