
4th March: Honorary award ceremony at the Royal College of music, Jonas Kaufmann is awarded honorary doctorate, Strike movement restarts at Paris Opera House

Wednesday 4th March 2020

HRH The Prince of Wales honours celebrated musicians at RCM ceremony

HRH The Prince of Wales conferred honours to a number of celebrated figures in the international music world at a ceremony held today (3 March 2020) at the Royal College of Music (RCM). During his annual visit to the college as RCM President, the Prince also explored some of the latest developments in the RCM’s multi-million pound redevelopment project. Musicians honoured include conductor and music director of the Royal Opera House Sir Antonio Pappano, who received an honorary doctorate from the college for his contribution to music. Pappano has helped to support many former students in the progression of their careers, accepting numerous students onto the ROH’s Jette Parker Young Artists Programme. He will conduct the RCM Symphony Orchestra in a sold-out concert next week (8 March) which will be broadcast live on the RCM’s website.Tenor Jonas Kaufmann was also the recipient of an honorary doctorate, while composers Debbie Wiseman OBE and Rachel Portman OBE were made Fellows of the RCM.

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Jonas Kaufmann zum Ehrendoktor am Royal College of Music ernannt

Das Londoner Royal College of Music hat den Tenor Jonas Kaufmann zum Ehrendoktor ernannt. Verliehen wurde ihm der Titel zu Beginn der Woche durch Prinz Charles, der in seiner Rolle als Prince of Wales formaler Präsident der Hochschule ist. Neben Kaufmann wurde auch Antonio Pappano, Musikdirektor des Royal Opera House, geehrt. Mehrere Künstler wurden zu Fellows des Royal College of Music ernannt, darunter Martyn Brabbins, Musikdirektor der English National Opera, und die Komponistinnen Debbie Wiseman und Rachel Portman.
Jonas Kaufmann wurde am 10. Juli 1969 in München geboren. An der Musikhochschule in München absolvierte er bis 1994 ein Gesangsstudium. Seine ersten Bühnenjahre am Saarländischen Staatstheater in Saarbrücken waren der Anfang zu einer langen Phase als freischaffender Künstler, u.a. in Stuttgart, Hamburg, Frankfurt und Mailand. 2001 begann sein Engagement an der Oper in Zürich, worauf internationale Auftritte in New York, Brüssel, London, Salzburg und Chicago folgten. In der Rolle des Lohengrin debütierte er 2010 bei den Bayreuther Festspielen, wo er seitdem regelmäßig auftritt. Zu seinen Auszeichnungen zählen neben einer Vielzahl von Preisen für seine zahlreichen Einspielungen die “Medaille für besondere Verdienste um Bayern in einem Vereinten Europa” 2012 und der Titel des Bayerischen Kammersängers 2013. Er ist Gewinner des International Opera Award 2015, sowie achtmaliger Echo Klassik-Preisträger. 2016 erhielt er das Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande.

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Jonas Kaufmann awarded honorary doctorate from the Royal College of Music

The London Royal College of Music has awarded an honorary doctorate to the tenor Jonas Kaufmann. He was awarded the title at the beginning of the week by Prince Charles, who in his role as Prince of Wales is the formal President of the College. Besides Kaufmann, Antonio Pappano, Music Director of the Royal Opera House, was also honoured. Several artists have been appointed Fellows of the Royal College of Music, including Martyn Brabbins, Music Director of the English National Opera, and composers Debbie Wiseman and Rachel Portman.
Jonas Kaufmann was born in Munich on 10 July 1969. He studied opera singing at the Musikhochschule in Munich until 1994. His first years on stage at the Saarländisches Staatstheater in Saarbrücken were the beginning of a long phase as a freelance artist, working in Stuttgart, Hamburg, Frankfurt and Milan. In 2001 he began his career at the Opera in Zurich, followed by international performances in New York, Brussels, London, Salzburg and Chicago. In 2010 he made his debut at the Bayreuth Festival in the role of Lohengrin, where he has appeared regularly since then. His awards include the “Medal for Special Services to Bavaria in a United Europe” in 2012, the title of Bavarian Kammersänger in 2013, the International Opera Award 2015 and eight times Echo Klassik Prize winner. In 2016 he received the Federal German Cross of Merit on ribbon.

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Le mouvement de grève reprend à l’Opéra de Paris

Après une période de grève, qui ne devait affecter que les premières de chaque spectacle et les journées nationales de mobilisation, le mouvement social a repris de l’ampleur à l’Opéra de Paris. Quatre représentations ont été annulées depuis samedi 29 février, jour de l’annonce du gouvernement d’un recours à l’article 49-3 pour faire adopter la réforme des retraites sans vote. Le dimanche 1er mars, les salariés de l’Opéra ont rejoint ceux de la Comédie Française pour manifester contre la réforme des retraites. Place Colette ils ont donné un spectacle en plein air, mêlant musique et répliques de pièces du répertoire, L’avare et Le Misanthrope de Molière, interprétées aux fenêtres et au balcon de la Comédie française, nous informe Le Parisien.

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Strike movement restarts at the Paris Opera House

After a period of strike action, which was to affect only the premieres of each show and the national days of mobilization, the social movement regained momentum at the Paris Opera. Four performances have been cancelled since Saturday 29 February, the day the government announced the use of Article 49-3 to push through pension reform without a vote. On Sunday 1 March, Opera employees joined those of the Comédie Française to demonstrate against the pension reform. At Place Colette they gave an open-air show, mixing music and replicas of plays from the repertoire, L’avare and Le Misanthrope by Molière, performed at the windows and balcony of the Comédie Française, Le Parisien informs us.

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