Radio 3 to present first broadcast of Max Richter’s VOICES on Human Rights Day with 35 radio stations across the world
BBC Radio 3 will join 35 radio stations from across the world – including Europe, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the US – to broadcast the first ever radio performance of Max Richter’s latest work VOICES to mark global Human Rights Day on Thursday 10 December.
VOICES features passages of text from the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, built around its opening statement ‘All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights’.
Richter’s VOICES – written now in a new version for strings, four-person choir, electronics, solo soprano and narrator – received its world premiere in London in February this year, just a few weeks before the UK went into lockdown. The work was written by Max Richter in collaboration with his creative partner Yulia Mahr.

Knabenchöre werben mit Online-Aktion um Nachwuchs
Mit einem digitalen Aktionstag wollen Knabenchöre aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz auf ihre Nachwuchssorgen aufmerksam machen. Unter dem Hashtag #KulturGutKnabenchor treten die Chöre am Samstag um 11:55 Uhr im Internet auf. Wo Singen noch möglich ist, wollen sie “Viva la musica” von Iván Eröd (*1936) oder den gleichnamigen Kanon von Michael Praetorius (1571-1621) vortragen. Ansonsten sollen Chorleiter mit eigenen Statements zu Gehör kommen.
Die Corona-Krise stelle für Knabenchöre eine große Herausforderung dar, hieß es in einer gemeinsamen Mitteilung. Chorproben seien wegen der Abstandsregeln meist nur in Kleingruppen möglich. Solounterricht/Stimmbildung könne nur im Fernunterricht angeboten werden. Nachwuchswerbung könne wenn überhaupt nur sehr begrenzt betrieben werden. Die Talentsuche in öffentlichen Schulen entfalle völlig

Boys’ choirs advertise for young talent with an online campaign
With a digital action day, boys’ choirs from Germany, Austria and Switzerland want to draw attention to their concerns for young singers. Under the hashtag #KulturGutKnabenchor, the choirs will perform on the Internet Saturday at 11:55 am. Where singing is still possible, they will perform “Viva la musica” by Iván Eröd (*1936) or the canon of the same name by Michael Praetorius (1571-1621). Otherwise, choirmasters are to be heard with their own statements.
The Corona crisis is a great challenge for boys’ choirs, joint communication has said. Choir rehearsals are usually only possible in small groups due to the rules of distance. Solo instruction/voice training could only be offered in distance learning. Advertising for young talent can only be done to a very limited extent, if at all. The search for talent in public schools would be completely eliminated.
Confinement: Liquider les concerts, pourquoi, pour qui?
Fermer salles et théâtres, c’est bon pour la santé. Le gouvernement nous confine dans notre intérêt. Pas parce qu’il aurait mal préparé l’automne ou qu’il craindrait M. le juge mais parce que nous autres « non essentiels » serions d’incorrigibles cigales. Au fait: dans cette crise, qui a fait preuve d’inconséquence? Et qui s’est montré « responsable »?
La cigale, ayant chanté tout l’été, se trouva fort dépourvue quand la crise fut venue. C’était notre chanson du 14 novembre. Au tour de sa voisine, la fourmi.
Peu suspecte de chanter à tout venant, et donc vénérable depuis l’âge des cavernes, la fourmi reconnaît aujourd’hui s’être laissé surprendre comme une vulgaire cigale. Dix fausses alertes envoyées par la vache folle, la grippe aviaire et le SRAS 2003 avaient vidé nos hôpitaux, appauvri nos services, liquidé nos masques.

Lockdown: To liquidate the concerts, why and for whom?
Closing rooms and theaters is good for your health. The government confines us in our best interests. Not because he would have badly prepared for the fall or because he was afraid of the judge, but because we “non-essentials” would be incorrigible cicadas. By the way: in this crisis, who has been inconsistent? And who was “responsible”?
The cicada, having sung all summer, found itself very helpless when the crisis came. It was our song on November 14th. Its neighbor, the ant.
Little suspect of singing to all comers, and therefore venerable since the age of the caves, the ant today recognizes having let itself be surprised like a vulgar cicada. Ten false alarms sent by mad cow disease, avian flu and SARS 2003 had emptied our hospitals, impoverished our services, liquidated our masks.