RNCM awarded over £900,000 to fund entrepreneurship project

The Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM), Royal Central School of Speech and Drama (CSSD) and University of the Arts London (UAL) have been awarded over £900,000 by the Office for Students and Research England to develop a joint entrepreneurship project to support the professional development of students within the creative arts.
Led by the RNCM and running over two years, the StART Entrepreneurship Scheme will enrich the entrepreneurial training provided at each institution.
These include student workshops between the three institutions and professional placement, mentorships and networking opportunities with partner organisations across the creative industries sector, helping students to develop the necessary skills and real-world experience to build successful and sustainable careers.
Musikverbände fordern Unterstützung für Solo-Kulturschaffende
Verschiedene Musikverbände haben einen monatlichen Pauschalbetrag als Existenzstütze für Solo-Selbstständige in der Corona-Krise gefordert. «Nur dieser Betrag kann die massiven Umsatzeinbrüche für selbstständige Kulturschaffende auffangen», hieß es in einer entsprechenden Mitteilung von Dienstag.
Zudem sollten bei Hilfen Honorarausfälle aufgrund der Covid-19-Pandemie berücksichtigt werden: «Die zentralen Einnahmequellen der Musiker*innen, nämlich Konzerte und Unterricht, sind abgesagt», hieß es. Das laufende Soforthilfe-Programm der Thüringer Aufbaubank greife für Musiker und andere freischaffende Künstler zu kurz, kritisierten die Vereine. Dieses sehe Unterstützung vor bei laufenden Kosten, etwa für Mieten für Unternehmensräume. Die Förderung gehe damit an der Lebens- und Berufsrealität im Musik- und Kulturbereich vorbei, hieß es. Freiberufliche Musiker hätten in der Regel keine Büroräume oder Ladengeschäfte.
Music associations demand support for solo artists
Various music associations have called for a monthly lump sum as a livelihood support for solo self-employed persons in the Corona crisis. “Only this amount can compensate for the massive drop in sales for self-employed cultural workers,” said a corresponding announcement on Tuesday.
In addition, the loss of fees due to the Covid 19 pandemic should be taken into account in the case of aid: “The musicians’* main sources of income, namely concerts and lessons, have been cancelled,” it was said. The current emergency aid program of the Thüringer Aufbaubank does not go far enough for musicians and other freelance artists, the associations criticized. The program provides support for running costs, such as rent for company premises. They said that the support was thus bypassing the realities of life and work in the music and cultural sector. As a rule, freelance musicians do not have office space or shops.
Coronavirus : l’hommage des danseurs de l’Opéra de Paris aux personnes mobilisées contre la pandémie
Après les Chœurs et les orchestres, c’est au tour du ballet de l’Opéra de Paris d’offrir un moment de grâce en pleine crise sanitaire. Confinement oblige, les danseurs se sont filmés depuis chez eux sur la Danse des chevaliers, un extrait de la partition de Roméo et Juliette de Prokofiev, rapporte Sud Ouest. Le montage des différentes vidéos a ensuite été assuré par Cédric Klapisch, célèbre cinéaste qui a notamment réalisé L’Auberge espagnole. Le ballet a ainsi voulu « dire merci » à tous ceux qui sont mobilisés pour lutter contre la pandémie : soignants, agriculteurs, professeurs, commerçants, éboueurs, et tant d’autres cités à la fin de cette vidéo qui cumule déjà plus de 400 000 vues sur YouTube.
« Plusieurs initiatives artistiques ont déjà participé à ce soutien. […] L’Opéra national de Paris en sa qualité d’institution publique devait par la voix de ses artistes contribuer à cette solidarité collective et rendre le confinement des Français un peu moins douloureux », explique l’institution pour présenter cette initiative sur YouTube.
Coronavirus: the Paris Opera dancers’ tribute to the people mobilized against the pandemic
After choirs and orchestras, it is the turn of the Paris Opera Ballet to offer a moment of grace in the midst of a health crisis. The dancers were forced to confine themselves to their homes and filmed the Dance of the Knights, an extract from the score of Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet, reported Sud Ouest. The various videos were then edited by Cédric Klapisch, a famous filmmaker who directed L’Auberge espagnole. The ballet thus wanted to “say thank you” to all those who are mobilized to fight against the pandemic: caretakers, farmers, teachers, shopkeepers, garbage collectors, and so many others mentioned at the end of this video, which already has more than 400,000 views on YouTube.
“Several artistic initiatives have already participated in this support. …] As a public institution, the Paris National Opera, through the voice of its artists, should contribute to this collective solidarity and make the confinement of the French a little less painful,” explains the institution to present this initiative on YouTube.