
19th August: RNS Moves to give free concert at Sage Gateshead, ISM says government must cover musician’s extra cost in event of no-deal brexit, Conductor Helmuth Froschauer (85) has passed away

Monday 19th August 2019

RNS Moves to give free concert at Sage Gateshead

RNS Moves, a group of disabled and non-disabled musicians featuring members of Royal Northern Sinfonia (RNS), will perform a free concert on September 7 at Sage Gateshead. The ensemble is made up of members of RNS plus Adrian Lee (guitar), James Risdon (recorder), Philip Howells (percussion), and Clarence Adoo (Headspace, a breath-controlled electronic instrument). They will perform traditional classical works adapted for the ensemble alongside contemporary pieces and some of their own works. Members of the group will also perform free improvisations led by Lee and Adoo, who will also lead a demonstration of the Headspace instrument.

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ISM says government must cover musician’s extra cost in event of no-deal brexit

The Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM) has called on the government to pay additional costs that musicians will incur when travelling to the EU27/EEA, should the UK leave the EU without a deal. The professional body for musicians argues that a no-deal Brexit will have a negative impact on the UK’s music industry, which is currently worth £4.5bn to the UK economy. Citing the lack of transitional arrangements should the UK crash out, the ISM foresees major disruption for those travelling to the EU for work, with freelance and touring musicians – who are often on low earnings – being hardest hit.

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Dirigent Helmuth Froschauer (85) gestorben

Der Dirigent und Chorleiter Helmuth Froschauer ist tot. Der Österreicher starb am Sonntag im Alter von 85 Jahren. Das meldete der ORF unter Berufung auf die Familie des Musikers. Österreichs Nationalratspräsident Wolfgang Sobotka würdigte Froschauer als “eine Säule der österreichischen Musik- und Kulturlandschaft”. Sein Tod bedeute einen großen Verlust für die österreichische Kultur generell. Der 1933 in Wien geborene Froschauer begann seine Laufbahn in den 1950er Jahren als Kapellmeister bei den Wiener Sängerknaben.

Conductor Helmuth Froschauer (85) has passed away

The conductor and choirmaster Helmuth Froschauer has been announced dead. The Austrian Conductor passed away on Sunday at the age of 85. The ORF reported this with reference to the musician’s family. Austria’s National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka praised Froschauer as “a pillar of the Austrian music and cultural landscape”. His death meant a great loss for Austrian culture in general. Born in Vienna in 1933, Froschauer began his career in the 1950s as Kapellmeister with the Vienna Boys Choir…

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