
18th July: Roger Wright talks abut his final season as director of the BBC Proms, Katherine Jenkins announces 10th solo album and is music really making your child a genius?

Friday 18th July 2014

Classical News

The Telegraph

BBC Proms: Roger Wright talks about his final season

The outgoing director of the BBC Proms, Roger Wright, tells Ivan Hewett why he hates to look back.

Classic FM

Katherine Jenkins announces 10th solo album

Katherine Jenkins has confirmed plan to release her 10th solo album in November this year, with a title of Home Sweet Home.

The Times

Is music really making your child a genius?

It’s boom time for serious classical music concerts for tots, but if you think it will turn them into budding Mozarts, think again.

The Guardian

The BBC Proms: how many of the weirder and wonderfuller moments do you remember?

The Proms, the world’s biggest classical-music festival, opens this Friday at the Royal Albert Hall. Celebrate some of the concerts’ less expected moments from the last few decades with our quiz.

The Telegraph

Top 10 TV sports theme tunes

In the build up to a special Sport Prom concert, we pick 10 of the best sports theme tunes, including Match of the Day, Test Match Special and Ski Sunday.

Toronto Star

Bicycle Opera in gear for five-week tour

Seven young, fit opera singers and musicians are pedaling their bikes to 13 Ontario cities this summer, pulling their props and instruments behind them in trailers.

Die Zeit

Höchstdotierter Kunstpreis geht an estnischen Musiker Arvo Pärt

Der Komponist Pärt erhält in der Sparte Musik den begehrten japanischen Kunstpreis Praemium Imperiale. Erstmals wird auch ein afrikanischer Künstler ausgezeichnet.


Ein Chor, ein Klang

Der preisgekrönte Münchner Frauenchor feiert in diesen Wochen sein 25-jähriges Jubiläum.


Auf einen Kaffee mit… Pablo Heras-Casado

Pablo Heras-Casado gehört zur neuen Generation von Dirigenten, die mit dem Orchester sehr wohl ein Bierchen trinken wollen. Wir trafen den Tausendsassa mit spanischen Wurzeln auf einen lockeren Espresso in Köln.


RN – Radio National: ‏@RadioNational  What does playing a musical instrument do to your body? http://ab.co/UaV78e  #classicalmusic #abcrn pic.twitter.com/Xqj94iaosd

Guardian Classical: @GdnClassical Start of Proms marks end of Roger Wright’s tenure as director http://gu.com/p/4v3c6 

Suzanne Doyle: ‏@SuzanneDoyle  Monty Python: Sousa, two-sheds and musical subversions http://gu.com/p/3qp4q/tw  via @guardian #classical



Proms director Roger Wright outside the Albert Hall

Photo: BBC/Liam Duke