Dr Ronny Krippner Appointed Director of Music at Ripon Cathedral
Ripon Cathedral has announced Dr Ronny Krippner as its new director of music from January 2022. Dr Krippner is currently organist and director of choral music at Croydon Minster and Whitgift School in South Croydon. He is also specialist tutor of organ improvisation at Birmingham Conservatoire and Trinity Laban.
Dr Krippner said: ‘I am absolutely delighted and honoured to take up the post of Director of Music at Ripon Cathedral. Ripon Cathedral Choir has an excellent reputation and I look forward to building on the work of my predecessors, taking the choir into the next stage of its life.’

Kulturstiftung Sachsen vergibt über 40 Stipendien an freie Künstler
In Sachsen lebende oder hauptsächlich wirkende freischaffende Künstler und Künstlerinnen können sich bis zum 1. Juli um Reise- und Arbeitsstipendien für 2022 bewerben. Die Kulturstiftung des Freistaates vergibt nach Angaben vom Montag mehr als 40 solcher Zuwendungen, um künstlerische Leistungen zu fördern und die Arbeit an neuen Vorhaben möglich zu machen.
Sie werden für je drei bis sechs Monate in den Bereichen Bildende Kunst, Darstellende Kunst, Musik, Film und Literatur ohne Ortsbindung vergeben. Im Angebot sind Arbeitsaufenthalte in New York, Columbus/Ohio (beide USA), Jagniatków/Agnetendorf (Polen), Prag (Tschechien) oder Leipzig.

Kulturstiftung Sachsen awards over 40 support packages to independent artists
Freelance artists living or mainly working in Saxony will have the opportunity to apply for travel and work allowances for 2022 until 1 July. These allowances will be awarded by the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony to promote artistic achievements and enable new projects to be realised.
The allowances will be available for three to six months each in the fields of visual arts, performing arts, music, film and literature without any local restrictions. The programme includes working stays in New York, Columbus/Ohio (both USA), Jagniatków/Agnetendorf (Poland), Prague (Czech Republic) or Leipzig.
La 5ème Symphonie de Beethoven des collégiens de Cambo-les-Bains fait le buzz
C’est à l’initiative de leur professeure de musique que 185 jeunes choristes des Colibris du Collège Saint Michel Garicoïtz de Cambo-les-Bains (Pyrénés-Atlantiques) ont réalisé un clip dans lequel ils interprètent de manière très originale la 5e symphonie de Ludwig van Beethoven.
L’idée lui est venue l’an dernier, alors qu’on célébrait les 250 ans de la naissance du compositeur allemand. Nelly Guilhemsans avait proposé 2 projets à ses élèves, un flashmob sur L’ode à la joie qui a été réalisé au centre comercial Ametzondo et ce fameux « Body Tap » sur la 5e Symphonie.
An unusual Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony
Due to the initiative of their music teacher, 185 young choir members of the Saint Michel Garicoïtz College in Cambo-les-Bains (Pyrénés-Atlantiques) have created a video clip in which they perform Ludwig van Beethoven’s 5th symphony in a truly original way.
The idea came to her last year, when the 250th anniversary of the German composer’s birth was being celebrated. Nelly Guilhemsans then proposed two projects to her students: a flashmob of Ode to Joy, which was performed in the Ametzondo shopping centre, and the famous ‘Body Tap’ of the 5th Symphony.