
8th October: Shortlist announced for 2019 Royal Philharmonic Society Awards, Hornist Tillmann Höfs receives Usedom Music Prize 2019, Stéphane Lissner soon in Naples

Tuesday 8th October 2019

Shortlist announced for 2019 Royal Philharmonic Society Awards

The Royal Philharmonic Society (RPS) has today announced the shortlist for its 2019 awards. This year’s nominees are as follows:

  • Chamber-Scale Composition – Clara Iannotta – dead wasps in the jam-jar (iii); Julian Anderson – String Quartet No. 3; Tansy Davies – Cave
  • Concert Series and Events – The Cumnock Tryst; Freedom Season – Welsh National Opera; The Nature of Why – British Paraorchestra; Stockhausen: Comic Prophet – Southbank Centre
  • Conductor – Francois Xavier-Roth; Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla; Robert Ames
  • Ensemble – Aurora Orchestra; BSO Resound; Royal Northern Sinfonia
  • Impact – BSO Change Makers and Resound; Empowering Young Carers – Bath Philharmonia; Streetwise Opera
  • Instrumentalist – Alina Ibragimova, violin; Jean-Guihen Queyras, cello; Mahan Esfahani, harpsichord

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Hornist Tillmann Höfs erhält Usedomer Musikpreis 2019

Tillmann Höfs ist ein Ausnahmetalent: 2017 gewann mit ihm seit 33 Jahren zum ersten Mal wieder ein Hornist den Deutschen Musikwettbewerb. Am Dienstag, den 8.10. erhält der Hamburger im Haus des Gastes, in Seebad Karlshagen beim 26. Usedomer Musikfestival den mit 5000 Euro dotierten Usedomer Musikpreis der Oscar und Vera Ritter-Stiftung. „Sein technisches Können, seine klangliche Phantasie sind immens. Außerdem beweist er in der Auswahl seiner Stücke für Konzerte und CDs Mut zu ungewöhnlichem Repertoire. Grund genug für das Usedomer Musikfestival und die Oscar und Vera Ritter-Stiftung, ihn mit dem Usedomer Musikpreis auszuzeichnen und ihn hier, gemeinsam mit der Pianistin Akiko Nikami, dem Publikum vorzustellen“, so die Jury des Usedomer Musikpreises.

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Hornist Tillmann Höfs receives Usedom Music Prize 2019

Tillmann Höfs is an exceptional talent: In 2017, he was the first horn player to win the German Music Competition again since 33 years. On Tuesday, 8th October, the Hamburger received the 5000 Euro endowed Usedom Music Prize of the Oscar and Vera Ritter Foundation, which was handed to him at Haus des Gastes, in Seebad Karlshagen at the 26th Usedomer Music Festival. “His technical skills and his sonic imagination are immense. In addition, in the selection of his pieces for concerts and CDs he proves courage to unusual repertoire. Reason enough for the Usedom Music Festival and the Oscar and Vera Ritter Foundation to honor him with the Usedom Music Prize.“ said the jury.

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Nomination : Stéphane Lissner bientôt à Naples ?

Alors que l’actuel directeur général de l’Opéra de Paris doit assurer, contractuellement, la gestion de l’institution jusqu’à l’été 2021, le Teatro San Carlo et la municipalité de Naples annoncent qu’ils ont choisi Stéphane Lissner pour succéder à Rosanna Purchia… le 1er avril 2020. Stéphane Lissner désigné à l’unanimité. Une vingtaine de minutes auraient suffi au comité de direction du Teatro San Carlo de Naples pour accepter à l’unanimité la proposition du maire de la ville de désigner Stéphane Lissner pour prendre la tête de l’établissement napolitain. Une double responsabilité que l’actuel directeur de l’Opéra de Paris avait déjà assumée lorsqu’il était à la tête de la Scala de Milan de 2005 à 2012.

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Stéphane Lissner soon in Naples?

While the current Director General of the Paris Opera is contractually responsible for the management of the institution until the summer of 2021, Teatro San Carlo and the Municipality of Naples announce that they have chosen Stéphane Lissner to succeed Rosanna Purchia… on April 1, 2020.
Stéphane Lissner unanimously appointed. About twenty minutes would have been enough for the management committee of the Teatro San Carlo in Naples to unanimously accept the proposal of the mayor of the city to appoint Stéphane Lissner to take over the leadership of the Neapolitan establishment. A dual responsibility that the current director of the Paris Opera had already assumed when he was head of La Scala de Milan from 2005 to 2012.

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