Sally Cavender to step down as performance music director at Faber Music

After almost four decades with the company, Sally Cavender will be stepping down as performance music director and vice chairman of Faber Music in December 2020.
With effect from the same date, her current deputy, Sam Wigglesworth, becomes the company’s new performance music director.
During 39 years at the company, Cavender has negotiated more than 1,000 new work commissions. She signed and nurtured composers including Thomas Adès, Tansy Davies, Anders Hillborg and Francisco Coll.
After a short break, Cavender will continue her association with Faber Music for a period of time as opera consultant, commencing in early 2021.
Südkoreanisches Esmé Quartet erhält ersten Hans-Gál-Preis
Das Esmé Quartet aus Südkorea erhält den erstmals vergebenen Hans Gál-Preis der Mainzer Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur und der Stiftung Villa Musica. Der Preis ist mit 10.000 Euro dotiert und soll der Förderung eines internationalen Nachwuchsensembles dienen, wie die Akademie am Donnerstag, 9. Juli, mitteilte. Der Preis erinnert an den österreichisch-britischen Komponisten Hans Gál und wird von einer private Stiftung für zunächst fünf Jahre finanziert.
Das Esmé Quartet mit den koreanischen Musikerinnen Wonhee Bae, Yuna Ha, Jiwon Kim und Yeeun Heo wurde 2016 an der Hochschule für Musik und Tanz in Köln gegründet. 2018 gewann das Sreichquartett beim Wigmore Hall International String Quartet Wettbewerb in London den ersten Preis sowie vier Sonderpreise. Weitere internationale Preise folgten. Die dreiköpfige Jury des Hans Gál-Preises erhofft sich von dem Quartett eine erfolgversprechende weitere Laufbahn. Die Auszeichnung soll als Anreiz dienen, diese Karriere weiter zu verfolgen.

South Korean Esmé Quartet receives first Hans Gál Prize
The Esmé Quartet from South Korea receives the first Hans Gál Prize from the Mainz Academy of Sciences and Literature and the Villa Musica Foundation. The award is endowed with 10,000 euros and is intended to promote an international ensemble of young people, as the academy announced on Thursday, July 9. The award commemorates the Austrian-British composer Hans Gál and is funded by a private foundation for an initial period of five years.
The Esmé Quartet with the Korean musicians Wonhee Bae, Yuna Ha, Jiwon Kim and Yeeun Heo was founded in 2016 at the University of Music and Dance in Cologne. In 2018 the string quartet won first prize and four special prizes at the Wigmore Hall International String Quartet Competition in London. Further international awards followed. The three-member jury of the Hans Gál Prize hopes that the quartet will have another promising career. The award should serve as an incentive to pursue this career further.
Coronavirus: l’aide bruxelloise aux intermittents de la culture est désormais activable
Le gouvernement bruxellois a adopté jeudi en première lecture un arrêté prévoyant l’octroi d’une aide exceptionnelle unique et individuelle pour les travailleurs intermittents de la culture. Les ministres bruxellois en avaient déjà pris la décision de principe en mai dernier. À présent, les modalités d’octroi qui ont fait l’objet d’une concertation avec les interlocuteurs sociaux sont fixées. En pratique, chaque intermittent bruxellois du secteur de la culture pourra bénéficier d’une aide exceptionnelle de maximum 1.500 euros pour le travailleur qui a perçu entre le 13 mars 2020 et le 31 mai 2020 des revenus s’élevant à moins de 775 euros ; 1.000 euros pour le travailleur qui a perçu durant cette même période des revenus s’élevant à moins de 1.550 euros ; 500 euros pour le travailleur qui aurait perçu durant cette même période des revenus s’élevant à moins de 3.100 euros.

Coronavirus: Brussels support for intermittent culture workers can now be activated
The Brussels government adopted on Thursday in first reading a decree providing for the granting of a one-off, individual exceptional aid for intermittent cultural workers. The Brussels ministers had already taken the decision in principle last May. The arrangements for granting the aid, which were the subject of consultation with the social partners, have now been laid down. In practice, each Brussels temporary worker in the culture sector will be able to receive exceptional aid of a maximum of 1,500 euros for workers who received income of less than 775 euros between 13 March 2020 and 31 May 2020; 1,000 euros for workers who received income of less than 1,550 euros during the same period; 500 euros for workers who received income of less than 3,100 euros during the same period.
Three composers to receive Women Composers Commissions from the League of American Orchestras
Composers Niloufar Iravani, Leanna Primiani, and Hilary Purrington will each receive orchestral commissions of $15,000 as part of the Women Composers Readings and Commissions program, an initiative of the League of American Orchestras, in partnership with American Composers Orchestra and supported by the Virginia B. Toulmin Foundation. Hilary Purrington’s Words for Departure will be premiered by the Philadelphia Orchestra, conductor Stéphane Denève, the Westminster Symphonic Choir, and director Joe Miller on February 12, 13, and 14, 2021. Niloufar Iravani’s work will be premiered by the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra and Music Director Delta David Gier, and Leanna Primiani’s score will be premiered by ROCO (River Oaks Chamber Orchestra, TX). Dates for the Iravani and Primiani premieres will be announced. Since the program’s inception in 2014, forty women composers have participated in career development via EarShot Readings, sixteen composers have received commissions, and eight works have been premiered.