Sing for Pleasure announces 2021 Young Conducting Scholars
Choral charity Sing for Pleasure (SfP) has announced the four scholarship recipients for its 2021 Young Conductors’ Programme.
The four scholars (pictured l-r above) are:
- Ailsa Campbell, a freelance musician and choral scholar who gained her music degree at Bristol University in 2018, before studying for a masters degree in solo voice from the University of York
- Enyi Okpara, also a freelancer who recently graduated from Bristol University and who is keen to develop his choral conducting skills, building on his existing training as an orchestral conductor

Nationaltheater Weimar: Kein Spielbetrieb bis 28. Februar
Das Deutsche Nationaltheater und die Staatskapelle Weimar spielen bis zum 28. Februar 2021 keine Vorstellungen und Konzerte. Grund sei die Planungsunsicherheit wegen der Corona-Pandemie, teilte das Haus am Dienstag mit. Im Sinne der Kontaktreduzierung ruhe zudem bis Ende Januar der Probenbetrieb. Die Arbeit hinter den Kulissen werde in allen Bereichen auf unverzichtbare und notwendige Tätigkeiten beschränkt.
Die Planungen für die Zeit nach dem 28. Februar hänge davon ab, wann der Spielbetrieb und zuvor die Probenarbeit wieder möglich ist. Generalintendant Hasko Weber blicke jedoch mit Zuversicht auf die Realisierung des Sommertheater-Projekts auf dem Weimarer e-werk-Gelände.

Weimar National Theatre: No performances until 28 February
The German National Theatre and the Staatskapelle Weimar will not be staging any performances or concerts until 28 February 2021. The reason is the planning uncertainty due to the Corona pandemic, the theatre announced on Tuesday. In addition, in order to reduce contact, rehearsals will be suspended until the end of January. Work behind the scenes in all areas will be limited to indispensable and necessary activities.
German National Theatre Weimar
The plans for the period after 28 February depend on when it will be possible to resume performances and, before that, rehearsals. However, general director Hasko Weber is looking forward with confidence to the realisation of the summer theatre project on the Weimar e-werk site.
Hilary Hahn : le monde de la culture au ralenti, son défi pour se remettre au travail
Hilary Hahn lance sur Twitter et Instagram le #100daysofpractice (traduisez par 100 jours d’entraînement). En montrant la voie avec son violon, elle nous invite, quel que soit le domaine pratiqué, à travailler chaque jour afin de recréer un état d’esprit de travail au quotidien. En publiant chaque jour une vidéo de sa pratique du violon, elle met au défi les musiciens à jouer de leurs instruments, les compositeurs à composer ou encore les écrivains à écrire …
Coutumière du fait, Hilary Hahn en est à sa quatrième session du #100daysofpractice. Pourquoi le relancer maintenant ? La violoniste sent que le moment est venu de se remettre au travail après l’arrêt imposé au monde du spectacle vivant.

Hilary Hahn: the world of culture in slow motion, its challenge to get back to work
Hilary Hahn launches the #100daysofpractice on Twitter and Instagram. Leading the way with her violin, she invites us, whatever the field practiced, to work every day to recreate a state of mind for daily work. By publishing a video every day of her violin practice, she challenges musicians to play their instruments, composers to compose or even writers to write …
Hilary Hahn is now in her fourth session of #100daysofpractice. Why relaunch it now? The violinist feels that the time has come to get back to work after the stop imposed on the world of performing arts.