
28th October: Abbey Road Studios launches scholarship for black students, Music Council against lockdown, Streaming platform for romantic pianos

Wednesday 28th October 2020

Abbey Road Studios launches scholarship and work placement programme for young black students

London’s Abbey Road Studios has today (October 27) announces the launch of the Abbey Road Scholarship – a programme which will provide for two black students each year to study at Abbey Road Institute in London, followed by a year-long engineering work placement at Abbey Road Studios.

An official press release stated that the scholarship programme, which will begin in 2021, will “cover the full cost of the course fees and contribute towards living expenses for two black British students annually to study on Abbey Road Institute’s Advanced Diploma in Music Production and Sound Engineering.”

Upon successful completion of the course, the two graduates will be offered a year-long trainee engineering role within Abbey Road Studios.

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Deutscher Musikrat warnt vor weiteren Beschränkungen für Kulturszene

Der Deutsche Musikrat hat Bund und Länder aufgefordert, keine weiteren Einschränkungen für Kulturorte mit bewährten Hygienekonzepten zu beschließen. Vor dem Treffen an diesem Mittwoch zwischen Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und den Ministerpräsidenten der Länder mahnte Generalsekretär Christian Höppner Beratungen „mit Augenmaß“ an.

„Orte der kulturellen Begegnung sind für das soziale Miteinander unverzichtbar: live, nicht virtuell – gerade jetzt, wo Ängste und Vereinsamung das öffentliche Leben bestimmen“, so Höppner am Dienstag in Berlin. Vorstellungen an Theater-, Opern- und Konzerthäusern finden laut Musikrat seit Saisonbeginn im September unter strengen Covid-19-Auflagen statt.

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German Music Council warns against further restrictions for the cultural scene

The German Music Council has called on the federal and state governments not to impose any further restrictions on cultural venues with proven hygiene concepts. Before the meeting this Wednesday between Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Minister Presidents of the Länder, Secretary General Christian Höppner urged consultations “with a sense of proportion”.

“Places of cultural encounter are indispensable for social togetherness: live, not virtual – especially now, when fears and loneliness dominate public life,” Höppner said in Berlin on Tuesday. According to the Music Council, performances at theatres, opera houses and concert halls have been taking place under strict Covid 19 conditions since the beginning of the season in September.

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Une plateforme de streaming dédiée aux pianos romantiques

Le Centre des Pianos Romantiques, alias La Nouvelle Athènes, jeune association, créée en 2017, dédiée au jeu sur pianos historiques des XVIIIe et XIXe siècle, se lance dans le streaming vidéo. Un beau projet, en pleine crise sanitaire.L’incertitude a beau planer sur les prochaines semaines, les institutions et associations musicales font décidément preuve de résilience et ne baissent pas les bras.

En effet, elles ne baissent pas les bras, loin de là, et certaines travaillent, depuis des mois, à des projets ambitieux, originaux, qui se concrétisent enfin.C’est le cas de La Nouvelle Athènes ! La Nouvelle Athènes, c’est le nom d’un quartier de Paris, dans le 9e arrondissement, quartier devenu fameux au XIXe siècle quand l’élite du mouvement romantique parisien y a posé ses malles, ses plumes, ses toiles et ses pianos : George Sand, Chopin, Delacroix, Victor Hugo, Pissaro, Marie Dorval, Gustave Moreau, le fameux facteur de piano Camille Pleyel…

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A streaming platform dedicated to romantic pianos

The Centre des Pianos Romantiques, alias La Nouvelle Athènes, a young association, created in 2017, dedicated to playing on historical pianos from the 18th and 19th centuries, is launching into video streaming. A beautiful project, in the midst of a health crisis.Uncertainty may well hang over the next few weeks, but musical institutions and associations are definitely showing resilience and are not giving up.

Indeed, they are not giving up, far from it, and some of them have been working for months on ambitious, original projects that are finally coming to fruition.This is the case of La Nouvelle Athènes!La Nouvelle Athènes is the name of a district of Paris, in the 9th arrondissement, a district that became famous in the 19th century when the elite of the Parisian Romantic movement put their trunks, feathers, paintings and pianos there: George Sand, Chopin, Delacroix, Victor Hugo, Pissaro, Marie Dorval, Gustave Moreau, the famous piano maker Camille Pleyel…

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