
24 July: Decision to disband Sheffield cathedral choir creates backlash; Fund-raising campaign ends up in court; The general assembly of festivals will be held at the beginning of the school year

Friday 24th July 2020

Decision to disband Sheffield cathedral choir strikes discordant note

For centuries, the cherubic faces of choirboys in white ruffs have been part of church culture. Choristers usually came from privileged backgrounds, were coached by expert music masters at fee-paying schools attached to cathedrals and churches, and performed exquisite choral music, often in Latin.

Some of that has changed. The first girls were admitted, at Salisbury cathedral, almost 30 years ago and choirs have become more diverse.

Now Sheffield cathedral is going a step further, disbanding its choir in order to make a “completely fresh start” with a new team of choristers that reflects and engages with a changing city.

The cathedral would pursue “a new model for Anglican choral life here, with a renewed ambition for engagement and inclusion”, said a statement on its website.

The sudden closure has angered choristers’ parents and infuriated traditionalists in the Church of England and classical music circles. It came amid a broader tension in the Church of England over its future direction.

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Ermahnung von Konzertmeisterin nach Spendenaktion landet vor Gericht

Der Streit um die Ermahnung einer Konzertmeisterin des Augsburger Staatstheaters durch den Intendanten nach einer Corona-Spendenaktion muss vor dem Arbeitsgericht geklärt werden. Wie das Arbeitsgericht Augsburg mitteilte, soll am Montag (27.7.) in einer Güteverhandlung diskutiert werden, ob sich die Parteien einvernehmlich einigen. Die Musikerin der Augsburger Philharmoniker hatte mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Orchestervereinigung Klage eingereicht, weil sie sich ungerecht behandelt fühlt.

Hintergrund des Rechtsstreits ist eine Spendeninitiative, bei der sich die Konzertmeisterin in der Corona-Krise für die freie Kulturszene in Augsburg eingesetzt hat. Intendant André Bücker betont, dass es bei der Ermahnung der Mitarbeiterin aber nicht um die Sammlung an sich gehe. «Es hat niemand etwas gegen die Spendenaktion», sagt er. Es gehe ihm um die Art und Weise.

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Concertmaster’s admonition after fund-raising campaign ends up in court

The dispute about the director’s admonition of a concertmaster of the Augsburg State Theater after a corona donation campaign must be settled before the labor court. According to the Augsburg Labour Court, a conciliation hearing on Monday (27 July) will discuss whether the parties can reach an amicable agreement. The musician of the Augsburg Philharmonic Orchestra had filed a suit with the support of the German Orchestra Association because she feels she has been treated unfairly.

The background to the lawsuit is a fundraising initiative in which the concertmistress had supported the free cultural scene in Augsburg during the Corona crisis. Intendant André Bücker emphasizes that the admonition of the employee is not about the collection itself. “Nobody has anything against the fund-raising campaign,” he says. He is concerned with the way this has been done.

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Les états généraux des festivals se tiendront à la rentrée

A son entrée en fonction début juillet elle avait émis le souhait d’organiser des états généraux des festivals, durement éprouvés par la crise sanitaire, afin de travailler sur leur modèle culturel, économique et social. En déplacement à Avignon hier, la ministre de la Culture, Roselyne Bachelot, a confirmé la tenue dans la ville après l’été de ces états généraux. La ministre souhaite une meilleure coopération entre des festivals plus écologiques, plus territorialisés. Olivier Py, le directeur du festival d’Avignon annulé cette année, sera partie prenante.

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The general assembly of festivals will be held at the beginning of the school year

When she took office at the beginning of July, she expressed the wish to organise a “Etats généraux des festivals” (general assembly of festivals) to work on their cultural, economic and social model, which had been hard hit by the health crisis. During a visit to Avignon yesterday, the Minister of Culture, Roselyne Bachelot, confirmed that these “états généraux” would be held in the city after the summer. The minister hopes for better cooperation between festivals that are more ecological and more territorial. Olivier Py, the director of the Avignon festival cancelled this year, will be involved.

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