Sheffield Cathedral Dean criticises his own choir, saying the quality of singing is ‘not thrilling’
The Cathedral announced the disbanding of choir as it fails to meet the needs of ‘mixed urban community’ and diversity
A Cathedral Dean has criticised his own choir by admitting that the quality of singing is ‘not thrilling’, amid an ongoing row over its closure.
Last month, the historic Sheffield Cathedral announced that it would disband its 400-year-old choir because it fails to meet the needs of a “mixed urban community” and should be more diverse.
Following the controversial announcement, it emerged that Sheffield Cathedral is being investigated over bullying allegations after chorister parents expressed concerns regarding staff behaviour, and that choristers and campaigners are seeking independent legal advice regarding the Dean and Chapter’s recent decision to close the choir.

Start mit Ausweiskontrolle: Salzburger Festspiele in Corona-Zeiten
Es ist ein Test mit Signalwirkung. Gelingen große Festspiele in Corona-Zeiten? In Salzburg wurde dafür größter Aufwand betrieben. Ab sofort drücken viele Kultur-Interessierte den Machern die Daumen.
Unter strengen Hygiene-Auflagen sind am Samstag die Salzburger Festspiele eröffnet worden. Bis zum 30. August will das bedeutendste Klassik-Festival der Welt in seinem Jubiläumsjahr ein Zeichen setzen, dass trotz Corona-Krise Kunst und Kultur möglich sind.
Besucher dürfen ihre Maske nur auf den Sitzplätzen abnehmen, die Abstandsregeln sollen durch die Begrenzung der Tickets eingehalten werden. Im 100. Jahr des Bestehens des Musik- und Theater-Festivals werden statt rund 240 000 Karten nur 76 000 verkauft.

Start with identity verification: Salzburg Festival in Corona times
It’s a test with a signal effect. Do great festivals succeed in Corona times? In Salzburg the greatest effort was made for this. From now on, many people interested in culture are crossing their fingers for the organisers.
The Salzburg Festival was opened on Saturday under strict hygiene conditions. Until August 30, the world’s most important classical music festival wants to send a signal in its anniversary year that art and culture are possible despite the Corona crisis.
Visitors are only allowed to take off their masks on the seats, the rules of distance should be respected by limiting the tickets. In the 100th year of the music and theatre festival’s existence, only 76,000 tickets are sold instead of around 240,000.
Saison 2020-2021 : coup dur pour le Metropolitan Opera de New York
Le Met Opera de New York a annoncé que sa saison 2020-2021 ne démarrerait que le 31 décembre, trois mois plus tard que prévu, pour cause de pandémie de coronavirus, et étudie la possibilité de raccourcir certaines représentations.« Aïda » de Verdi, qui devait ouvrir la saison le 21 septembre, a été annulé.
« Compte tenu de l’énorme complexité organisationnelle du calendrier du Met, nous n’avons d’autre choix que d’annuler notre saison d’automne », a indiqué le manager général Peter Gelb, dans un communiqué. « Il n’est pas possible de revenir dans un opéra en septembre alors que la distanciation sociale reste en vigueur », a-t-il ajouté.

Season 2020-2021: New York’s Metropolitan Opera takes a major hit
New York’s Met Opera has announced that its 2020-2021 season will not start until 31 December, three months later than planned, due to a coronavirus pandemic, and is looking into the possibility of shortening some performances.Verdi’s “Aida”, which was scheduled to open on 21 September, has been cancelled.
“Given the enormous organisational complexity of the Met’s schedule, we have no choice but to cancel our fall season,” said General Manager Peter Gelb in a statement. “It is not possible to return to an opera house in September while social distancing remains in effect,” he added.