
21st August: Singing ‘no riskier than talking’; Julian Lloyd Webber steps down from Birmingham Conservatoire; Federal Government and the Länder drives more digital offerings; Soprano Chloé Briot files sexual assault complaint

Friday 21st August 2020

Singing ‘no riskier than talking’ for virus spread

Singing does not produce substantially more respiratory particles than speaking at a similar volume, a study suggests.

But it all depends on how loud a person is, according to the initial findings which are yet to be peer reviewed.

The project, called Perform, looked at the amount of aerosols and droplets generated by performers.

The findings could have implications for live indoor performances, which resumed in England this week.

They are currently only allowed to take place under strict social distancing guidelines.

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Julian Lloyd Webber to step down as principal of Royal Birmingham Conservatoire

Julian Lloyd Webber will step down from his role as principal of the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire next month after leading the institution – part of Birmingham City University – for five years. He will retain links with the Conservatoire and Birmingham City University as emeritus professor, a role awarded to him in recognition of his work.

During his tenure at the Conservatoire, the cellist, broadcaster and music education advocate oversaw the move to a new £57m building and saw the organisation be granted Royal status. Other accomplishments under his leadership include a merger with the School of Acting; securing the largest ever single donation in the history of the Conservatoire; and attaining strong National Student Survey results, with music achieving the highest result of any UK conservatoire in 2020 for the third successive year.

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Programm KULTUR.GEMEINSCHAFTEN von Bund und Ländern gibt Schub für neue digitale Angebote

Mit dem Förderprogramm KULTUR.GEMEINSCHAFTEN wollen Kulturstaatsministerin Monika Grütters und die Kulturstiftung der Länder (KSL) die Digitalisierung im Bereich der Kultur weiter voranbringen.

Kleinere, auch ehrenamtlich geführte Kultureinrichtungen und Projektträger werden bei der Entwicklung digitaler Angebote unterstützt. Insgesamt elf Millionen Euro stehen für das Programm zur Verfügung, davon 10 Millionen Euro aus dem Zukunftspaket NEUSTART KULTUR, das der Bund Anfang Juli im Zuge der Corona-Krise aufgelegt hat, und eine Million Euro von der Kulturstiftung der Länder.

Ziel ist es, den Aufbau digitaler Infrastrukturen in Kunst und Kultur zu beschleunigen, um die Vielfalt und Sichtbarkeit kultureller Angebote gerade auch in und nach der Krise zu erhöhen.

KULTUR.GEMEINSCHAFTEN programme of the Federal Government and the Länder provides impetus for new digital offerings

CULTURE.COMMUNITIES, Minister of State for Culture Monika Grütters and the Kulturstiftung der Länder (KSL) want to further promote digitisation in the field of culture.

Smaller cultural institutions and project sponsors, including those run by volunteers, will be supported in developing digital offerings. A total of eleven million euros are available for the programme, including 10 million euros from the future package NEUSTART KULTUR, which the Federal Government launched at the beginning of July in the wake of the Corona crisis, and one million euros from the Cultural Foundation of the Länder.

The aim is to accelerate the development of digital infrastructures in art and culture in order to increase the diversity and visibility of cultural offerings, especially in and after the crisis.

La soprano Chloé Briot porte plainte contre un chanteur pour agression sexuelle

Les faits remontent à la période comprise entre octobre 2019 et février 2020 alors que Chloé Briot tenait le 1er rôle de l’opéra « l’Inondation », une création contemporaine de Francesco Filidei et Joël Pommerat, inspirée d’une nouvelle de Evgueni Zamiatine, jouée à l’Opéra-Comique ainsi qu’aux opéras de Rennes et de Nantes. La soprano dénonce les agressions sexuelles qu’elle a subies lors des répétitions, des filages et même pendant certaines représentations. La chanteuse admet que, dans un 1er temps, elle n’a pas osé s’en plaindre auprès de son agresseur. « Je n’arrivais pas à dire à mon collègue que sa manière de me toucher me déplaisait. Certes, nous devions jouer une scène de sexe, mais il agissait toujours au-delà du cadre des propositions du metteur en scène », déclare-t-elle à La lettre du musicien.

Mais les agressions, insidieuses au début, se sont révélées de plus en plus fréquentes et offensantes, notamment à Rennes et Nantes au début de l’année 2020, avec des attouchements inadmissibles et des propos de plus en plus obscènes et violents. Selon Chloé Briot, lors d’une représentation cet homme lui aurait même murmuré «J’ai envie de te faire mal, j’ai envie d’y aller ».

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Soprano Chloé Briot files a complaint against a singer for sexual assault

The case dates back to the period between October 2019 and February 2020 while Chloé Briot held the 1st part of the opera “The Flood”, a contemporary creation Francesco Filidei and Joel Pommerat inspired from a novel by Yevgeny Zamyatin , performed at the Opéra-Comique as well as at the Rennes and Nantes operas. The soprano denounces the sexual assaults she suffered during rehearsals, spinning and even during certain performances. The singer admits that in the 1 st time, she did not dare complain to her attacker. ” I couldn’t tell my colleague that I didn’t like the way he touched me. Of course, we had to play a sex scene, but it always acted beyond the framework of the director’s proposals, ”she told La lettre du musicien.

But the attacks, insidious at the start, have proved to be more and more frequent and offensive, especially in Rennes and Nantes at the start of 2020, with inadmissible touching and increasingly obscene and violent comments. According to Chloé Briot, during a performance this man would have even whispered to her ” I want to hurt you, I want to go” .

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