Song Prize finalists revealed for 2021 BBC Cardiff Singer of the World
The BBC Cardiff Singer of the World jury has selected five finalists for its 2021 Song Prize, following four recital heats earlier this week. Although BBC Cardiff Singer of the World was launched in 1985, it wasn’t until 1989 that the Song Prize was introduced. Previous winners of the Song Prize include Jamie Barton, Ailish Tynan, Neal Davies and Bryn Terfel.
This year’s Song Prize finalists hail from all corners of the globe, from Madagascar to Wales. The final will take place on Thursday 17 June.

Donghoon Shin gewinnt Claudio-Abbado-Kompositionspreis
Der in London lebende koreanische Komponist Donghoon Shin wurde als Gewinner des Claudio-Abbado-Kompositionspreises bekannt gegeben, der von der Karajan-Akademie der Berliner Philharmoniker zu Ehren ihres ehemaligen Chefdirigenten (1989-2002) verliehen wird. Der in unregelmäßigen Abständen verliehene Preis beinhaltet den Auftrag, ein Werk für die Mitglieder der Karajan-Akademie zu schreiben.
Donghoon Shins Konzert für Cello und Orchester wird im Mai 2022 im Rahmen eines Galakonzerts zum 50-jährigen Bestehen der Karajan-Akademie uraufgeführt.

Donghoon Shin wins Claudio Abbado Composition Prize
London based Korean composer Donghoon Shin has been announced as the winner of the Claudio Abbado Composition Prize presented by the Karajan Academy of the Berliner Philharmoniker in honour of their Chief Conductor from 1989–2002. Awarded at irregular intervals, the recipient of the Claudio Abbado Composition prize is commissioned to write a work for members of the Karajan Academy.
Donghoon Shin’s Concerto for Cello and Orchestra will be premiered in May 2022 at a Gala Concert to mark the 50th Anniversary of the Karajan Academy.
Quel chef gagne plus de 3 millions de dollars par an ?
Combien gagnent les chefs d’orchestre américains ? Beaucoup plus qu’en Europe, où les salaires des musiciens d’orchestre sont eux aussi généralement plus élevés, puisqu’ils doivent acquitter eux-mêmes de coûteuses cotisations à des régimes d’assurance maladie et à des fonds de pension pour préparer leur retraite.
Le blogueur américain Drew McManus, qui s’est fait une spécialité de révéler les petits secrets des formations symphoniques des Etats-Unis (sur son site a, comme chaque année, compilé les rémunérations des principaux directeurs musicaux du pays.

Which conductor earns more than $3 million a year?
How much do American conductors earn? Considerably more than in Europe, where orchestral musicians’ salaries are also generally higher, since they have to pay expensive health insurance and pension fund contributions themselves to prepare for their retirement.
The American blogger Drew McManus, who has become a specialist in revealing the little secrets of US symphony orchestras, has, as every year, compiled the salaries of the country’s leading music directors (on his website