Sphinx Competition semi-finalists announced
The Sphinx Organisation has announced which players have made it to the semi-final of its annual competition for young Black and Latinx string players based in the US. The Sphinx Competition is usually held in Detroit, MI but the current edition will take place online.
In the junior division, for players aged 17 and under, the semi-finalists are violinists Ian Barnett, Isabela Diaz, Gabriella Foster, Kearston Gonzales, Jonathan Okseniuk and Amaryn Olmeda, violist Dillon P. Scott, and cellists Brandon Leonard and George T. A. Wolf-Mcguire.
The senior division semi-finalists, aged between 18 and 30, are violinists Paul Aguilar, Maïthéna Girault and Samuel Abraham Vargas Teixeira, violist Mikel Rollet, cellists Quenton Xavier Blache and Luis Fernando Venturelli, and double bassists Kebra-Seyoun Charles and Andres Vela.

Deutsche Musiker für Grammys nominiert
Die Deutsche Oper Berlin ist für einen Grammy nominiert. Mit der Aufnahme von Zemlinskys “Der Zwerg” kann sich das Haus Hoffnungen auf den begehrten Schallplattenpreis machen. Das teilte die amerikanische Recording Academy am Montag in Los Angeles mit. Die 63. Grammy-Verleihung findet am 31. Januar 2021 statt.
In der Kategorie “Bestes klassisches Instrumentalsolo” können zwei Künstler aus Deutschland gewinnen: Der Pianist Igor Levit für seine kompletten Beethoven-Sonaten und der Geiger Augustin Hadelich für die CD “Bohemian Tales” mit dem Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks unter der Leitung von Jakub Hrůša.

German musicians nominated for Grammys
The Deutsche Oper Berlin is nominated for a Grammy. With the recording of Zemlinsky’s “The Dwarf”, the house has high hopes for the coveted record award. This was announced by the American Recording Academy in Los Angeles on Monday. The 63rd Grammy Award will be presented on the 31st January 2021.
Two artists from Germany can win in the category “Best classical instrumental solo”: The pianist Igor Levit for his complete Beethoven sonatas and the violinist Augustin Hadelich for the CD “Bohemian Tales” with the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Jakub Hrůša.
Un peu moins que non-essentiels, les lieux culturels restent confinés jusqu’au 15 décembre
Le Président de la République annonce la réouverture des commerces que son gouvernement avait qualifiés de “non-essentiels”, pour faire repartir les achats de Noël. Mais les théâtres, éprouvés comme les protocoles sanitaires qu’ils ont déjà mis en place, restent fermés :
Le 28 octobre dernier, le Président de la République annonçait un re-confinement consistant en la fermeture des commerces non essentiels, entraînant depuis lors des questionnements et décisions aussi surréalistes que celles de condamner les rayons livres dans les supermarchés plutôt que de laisser les librairies rouvrir, ou de laisser ces dernières ouvrir pour vendre des journaux en leur interdisant la vente de livres. Seul fil conducteur et point commun dans ce triste feuilleton : les entreprises et les écoles, lieux fortement générateurs de clusters, restaient ouvertes au contraire des lieux de culture vivante qui ne déplorent aucun cluster à ce jour et appliquent mieux qu’ailleurs les protocoles sanitaires. Cette “logique” est donc reconduite…

Cultural venues to remain closed until 15 December @EmmanuelMacron
The President of the Republic announces the reopening of shops that his government had described as “non-essential”, to restart Christmas shopping. But the theatres, which have been tested and the health protocols they have already put in place, remain closed:
On the 28th of October , the President of the Republic announced a re-confinement consisting of the closure of non-essential shops, leading since then to questions and decisions as surreal as those of condemning book shelves in supermarkets rather than letting bookshops reopen, or letting them open to sell newspapers by banning them from selling books. The only common thread and common point in this sad soap opera is that companies and schools, places that strongly generate clusters, remained open on the contrary of places of living culture that do not deplore any clusters to date and apply health protocols better than elsewhere. This “logic” is therefore repeated…