The New Stauffer Center for Strings Opens in Cremona

With the new Stauffer Center for Strings, the Italians have given that ancient history a new lease of life. The centre aims to be nothing less than a finishing school for the world’s most brilliant young string players. Each year up to 300 of them will be taught there — free of charge — by dozens of distinguished classical virtuosi.
A residency partnership with academic institutions including Oxford University, the Sorbonne in Paris, Yale and Harvard universities in the United States and the Royal College of Music in London will extend the Stauffer’s global reach. And its courses include a unique project where the “principals” (leading string players) of Europe’s finest orchestras including the London Symphony and the Berlin Philharmonic will train their potential successors.
In short, the centre will be a kind of university of stringed instruments, and its scope will extend to composition, musicological research and violin-making as well.
Diskussionen der Kulturminister über finanzielle Schutzmaßnahmen für Künstler und Künstlerinnen
Am Mittwoch trafen sich die Kulturminister und -ministerinnen um über neue Absicherungs- und Vergütungsmodelle für Künstler und Künstlerinnen zu diskutieren.
Im Zuge der Notstipendienvergabe während der Pandemie sei klar geworden, dass ein allgemeiner Wandel im Vergütungsmodell von Kunstschaffenden notwendig ist. Eine langfristige Lösung zur besseren finanziellen Absicherung sei das Ziel, diskutiert wurden unter anderem die Einführung von Honoraruntergrenzen oder Ausstellungsvergütungen.

Culture Ministers Discuss Protective Financial Measures For Artists
On Wednesday, German Ministers of Culture discussed new systems of financial safeguarding for artists. Some potential measures are lower fee limits and exhibition fees. The urgency for change in the allowance systems of artists was recognised during the pandemic, where the government gave out emergency grants to artists.
The ministers tried to find a long term solution for helping artists financially with short-term resolutions, such as scholarships. “But it also became clear that we would have to position ourselves differently in the long term,” said Pfeiffer-Poensgen.
Les grands orchestres accusés de contribuer au réchauffement climatique
Dans une tribune publiée par le site spécialisé Van, le compositeur français Fabien Lévy s’élève contre les déplacements des grands orchestres qui, selon les estimations, représentent une empreinte carbone considérable et contribuent ainsi au réchauffement climatique. D’après lui, “on ne peut prétendre écrire l’avenir de l’histoire de la musique sans prendre en compte notre manière de vivre sur notre planète”.
Une position militante assumée mais qui donne l’occasion d’ouvrir le débat au moment où l’association internationale du transport aérien (Iata) annonce que les compagnies aériennes du monde entier s’engagent à atteindre « zéro émission nette de CO2 » d’ici à 2050, le déplacement d’un orchestre de l’autre côté de l’Atlantique représente 150 tonnes de CO2 d’empreinte carbone.

Large Orchestras Accused of Contributing to Global Warming
In an article published by the specialised website Van, the French composer Fabien Lévy speaks out against the travel of large orchestras, which according to estimates, represent a considerable carbon footprint and thus contributes to global warming. According to him, “we cannot pretend to write the future of the history of music without taking into account our way of life on our planet”.
This is a militant stance, but one that provides an opportunity to open the debate at a time when the International Air Transport Association (Iata) has announced that airlines around the world are committed to achieving “zero net CO2 emissions” by 2050, as moving an orchestra across the Atlantic represents 150 tons of carbon footprint.
Concert Artists Guild Signs Three Young Conductors

Concert Artists Guild (CAG) has added a new category of young artists to its roster: conductors. The 70-year-old organization usually selects its artists, all instrumentalists, from an annual competition. But conductors, for practical reasons, are to be chosen on the basis of input from the field and a “Conductors Advisory Circle,” comprised of musicians and administrators.
The new conductors program is a collaboration with the U.K.’s Young Classical Artists Trust (YCAT), bringing an international component to their training and widening their opportunities for exposure; they join the current CAG artists roster of 22 instrumentalists in receiving support, performances, and professional career development.
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