Steinberg Announced As NYCGB’s Principal Innovation Sponsor
Steinberg, the German musical software and hardware company and developer of the notation software Dorico, has been announced as the National Youth Choirs of Great Britain’s Principal Innovation Sponsor, significantly developing an already close collaboration between the two organisations. The new venture establishes a unique package of benefits and financial support to NYCGB’s Young Composers and Fellowship schemes.
The NYCGB Young Composers scheme supports composers who have a passion for writing imaginative new music for vocal forces to a high standard. The programme is particularly designed to support emerging composers from a broad range of musical backgrounds and genres. The 2021 Young Composers are Kristina Arakelyan, Anna Disley-Simpson, Alexander Ho, and Derri Joseph Lewis.

Erst zum Corona-Abstrich: Berliner Philharmoniker spielen Testkonzert
Die Berliner Philharmoniker haben erstmals seit Monaten wieder vor einem großen Publikum gespielt. Das Konzert ist Teil eines Pilotprojekts – zugelassen waren rund 1000 Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer. Sie mussten sich vorab auf das Coronavirus testen lassen.
Die Karten seien innerhalb von drei Minuten verkauft gewesen, sagte Intendantin Andrea Zietzschmann.

Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra plays test concert
The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra played in front of a large audience for the first time in months. The concert is part of a pilotproject – around 1000 spectators were admitted. They had to be tested for the corona virus in advance.
The tickets were sold within three minutes, said artistic director Andrea Zietzschmann.
Positive au Covid-19, Roselyne Bachelot dans la tourmente
On a appris ce samedi que Roselyne Bachelot a été testée positive au Covid-19. Or, ce qui embarrasse l’exécutif, c’est son emploi du temps et certaines photographies, dans un contexte déjà tendu avec l’occupation d’une soixantaine de théâtres et d’opéras dans tout le pays.
Roselyne Bachelot a eu une journée chargée vendredi dernier. Elle a tout d’abord remis les insignes de commandeur de la légion d’honneur à Michel Sardou. Fallait-il que l’État distingue aujourd’hui un chanteur à qui l’on doit notamment des chansons vantant “l’époque bénie des colonies” ou encore en faveur de la peine de mort ? Je laisse chacun juger.

Roselyne Bachelot in turmoil after getting tested positive for Covid-19
This Saturday, Roselyne Bachelot has tested positive for Covid-19. But what embarrasses the executive is her schedule and certain photographs, in an already tense context with the occupation of some sixty theatres and opera houses throughout the country.
Roselyne Bachelot had a busy day last Friday. First of all, she awarded the insignia of Commander of the Legion of Honour to Michel Sardou. Was it necessary that day for the State to distinguish a singer, to whom we owe, among other things, songs praising “the blessed era of the colonies” or who is even in favour of the death penalty? I leave it to everyone to judge.