
7th April: Tarisio presents GiveBack, Early end of the season in Austria, Cancellation of the Pentecostal Festival in Salzburg

Tuesday 7th April 2020

Tarisio announces auction to benefit musicians affected by Covid-19

Tarisio presents GiveBack, a special auction to benefit the musicians who have been profoundly affected by COVID-19.
In response to the Covid-19 crisis, which has seen orchestras furloughed, contracts cancelled and freelancers left without work, Tarisio has announced a special auction to benefit the musicians who have been profoundly affected by the pandemic.
The auction, taking place in May, will feature 10-20 instruments by collectible makers, with commissions donated and divided into individual grants of $600 each, adding up to an expected total fund of approximately $100,000. Any musician, anywhere in the world is welcome to apply, and grants will be awarded on a lottery basis.
Already committed to the sale are instruments by Fagnola, Pistucci, Capicchioni and more. The auction house will be announcing highlights leading up to the sale going live, and anyone who would like to participate or contribute, is invited to contact them here by following this link : https://tarisio.com/contact-us/

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Österreich: Vorzeitiges Saisonende

Die österreichische Bundesregierung hat entschieden, dass bis Ende Juni keine Veranstaltungen mehr abgehalten werden dürfen. Dies bedeutet unter anderem das vorzeitige Saisonende für die Kultur- und Musikszene. “Es kommt nicht unerwartet und schafft […] traurige Gewissheit”, so Christian Kircher. Als nächstes wolle der Geschäftsführer der Bundestheater-Holding nun in Erfahrung bringen, was das für die kommende Spielzeit bedeute: Um den Betrieb im Herbst wieder zu ermöglichen, seien Proben ab Juni nötig. In welcher Form und unter welchen Sicherheitsauflagen müsste noch geklärt werden. Außerdem werde derzeit in den einzelnen Bühnengesellschaften geprüft, ob und welche Produktionen nachgeholt werden können.

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Austria: Early end of the season

The Austrian government has decided that no more events may be held until the end of June. This means, among other things, an early end of the season for the cultural and music scene. “It is not unexpected and creates […] sad certainty”, said Christian Kircher. The next thing the managing director of the Bundestheater-Holding wants to know is what this means for the coming season: rehearsals starting in June are necessary in order to make operations possible again in autumn. In what form and under what safety conditions would still have to be clarified. In addition, the individual stage companies are currently examining whether and which productions can be made up for.

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Coronavirus : Cecilia Bartoli annonce l’annulation du Festival de Pentecôte à Salzbourg

C’est avec beaucoup de regrets et de déception que Cecilia Bartoli, directrice artistique du Festival de Pentecôte de Salzbourg (qui devait aussi y interpréter Norina du Don Pasquale de Gaetano Donizetti), a annoncé dans un communiqué l’annulation de l’événement en raison du développement de la pandémie liée au coronavirus:

« Chers amis, je suis tellement désolée qu’en raison de la situation actuelle, nous soyons obligés d’annuler le Festival de Pentecôte de cette année à Salzbourg. J’avais tellement hâte de commencer les répétitions avec la fantastique équipe de Salzbourg, avec mes collègues artistes et de rencontrer notre public fidèle et nos amis qui viennent ici chaque année ou ceux qui voulaient venir pour la 1ère fois cette année. Cette décision me brise le cœur, mais une chose est évidente: la santé passe avant tout. Il ne fait aucun doute que nous tous devons nous unir et nous protéger ainsi que nos proches. Ce sont des moments difficiles pour nous tous, mais je suis certaine que le pouvoir de la musique nous aidera à passer au travers. En collaboration avec la direction du Festival de Salzbourg, nous travaillons déjà sur l’édition suivante, et j’ai hâte de vous voir le plus tôt possible. D’ici là, prenez bien soin de vous, restez en bonne santé ! »

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Coronavirus: Cecilia Bartoli announces cancellation of the Pentecostal Festival in Salzburg

It was with great regret and disappointment that Cecilia Bartoli, Artistic Director of the Salzburg Whitsun Festival (who was also to perform Norina from Gaetano Donizetti’s Don Pasquale), announced in a press release that the event had to be cancelled due to the development of the coronavirus pandemic:

“Dear friends, I am so sorry that due to the current situation we are forced to cancel this year’s Whitsun Festival in Salzburg. I was so looking forward to starting rehearsals with the fantastic team from Salzburg, with my fellow artists and meeting our loyal audience and friends who come here every year or those who wanted to come for the first time this year. This decision breaks my heart, but one thing is obvious: health comes first. There is no doubt that all of us must unite and protect ourselves and our loved ones. These are difficult times for all of us, but I am sure that the power of music will help us get through them. Together with the management of the Salzburg Festival, we are already working on the next edition, and I look forward to seeing you as soon as possible. Until then, take good care of yourself, stay healthy! ».

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