
The Dresden Philharmonic announce their new Principal Guest Conductor

Thursday 30th May 2024

Tabita Berglund becomes Principal Guest Conductor of the Dresden Philharmonic from the 2025/26 season

With her charismatic performances and authentic, grounded nature, the Norwegian artist has established an outstanding international reputation and is regarded as one of today’s leading young conductors. Following the selection of Sir Donald Runnicles as the orchestra’s new Chief Conductor, the appointment of Tabita Berglund is a natural step: she too stands for the highest quality, international recognition and a close connection with musicians and audiences, and will no doubt make a valuable contribution to anchoring the Dresden Philharmonic firmly in the circle of the top orchestras.

Berglund made her first guest appearance with the Dresden Philharmonic in November 2023, when she conducted Jean Sibelius’ Symphony No. 2 to great acclaim. As a result, the musicians wanted to intensify their artistic collaboration and tie the young, internationally successful artist closer to the orchestra.

Consequently, she will return to the orchestra on 30 & 31 January and 2 February 2025 with works by Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich. As Principal Guest Conductor, she will make her first appearance at the end of August 2025, leading the 2025/2026 season opening concert, which will be followed by a concert at the Dresdner Musikfestspiele in 2026.

Tabita Berglund

“My first encounter with the Dresden Philharmonic in November 2023 was incredibly inspiring. I experienced the highest quality, openness to intensive collaboration and an atmosphere at the concerts that I have rarely experienced in any other hall. The audience is not only physically close to the orchestra and vice versa, but you feel a real connection that is hugely motivating artistically. For me, the future of classical music lies in reaching younger audiences with our music, while at the same time creating a real human connection. I’m convinced that I can contribute to this in Dresden and am very much looking forward to working together.“

Sir Donald Runnicles, Chief Conductor of the Dresden Philharmonic from 2025/2026 (designated from 2024/2025):

“I very much welcome the decision to appoint Tabita Berglund as Principal Guest Conductor of the Dresden Philharmonic. I know from my own experience how important it is to be given great opportunities early in one’s career, and I have always supported this. This includes not only invitations to conduct great orchestras, but also the concrete, long-term exchange with an outstanding orchestra. Tabita Berglund has already attracted attention with her fresh, convincing approaches to classical works and will certainly be an asset to the Dresden Philharmonic and its audience. “

Frauke Roth, General Manager of the Dresden Philharmonic:

“I’m often asked how I made it to the top of a large organisation as a woman. To be honest, I’m fed up with this question. The same goes for artists. What counts for the quality of an orchestra is artistic excellence and what I call a ‘common language‘. Much more importantly, the choice of a young conductor like Tabita Berglunds for this position is that it creates new ways of communicating, breaking down hierarchies and allowing an artistic partnership of equals to develop between musicians and the conductor. I’m convinced that, in addition to great seriousness and enormous artistic willpower, it is precisely this kind of collaboration that creates particularly moving musical experiences. Tabita Berglund will certainly help to consolidate excellence, attract new audiences and lead the Dresden Philharmonic into the future in an open and innovative way.“

Robert-Christian Schuster, spokesman of the musicians’ committee:

“To the Dresden Philharmonic, Tabita Berglund is one of the important conductors of the future. And we want to shape it together with her. With a high level of professionalism, great seriousness and a unique artistic voice, she quicly convinced us, which has already led to some wonderful musical results. Alongside Sir Donald Runnicles as the ‘grand seigneur‘ of his profession, she is an artistic partner who, with her youthful freshness and originality, will be a great asset to the audience and, of course, to us musicians. We are very much looking forward to making music with her again soon.“

Tabita Berglund succeeds Kahchun Wong, who holds the position of Principal Guest Conductor in the 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 seasons. Former guest conductors of the orchestra include Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos (who later became Chief Conductor of the orchestra),Yuri Temirkanov, Bertrand de Billy and Markus Poschner.