The Sixteen announces digital content schedule
The Sixteen, with founder Harry Christophers, has launched ‘Quarantine with The Sixteen’, a regular schedule of digital content including video diaries and recipes as well as larger virtual choirs, archive performances and playlists from the choir’s recording catalogue.
The Sixteen Virtual Choir’s performance of Sheppard’s Libera nos was released yesterday, with each part recorded at each singer’ home.
Kunstfestspiele Herrenhausen werden auf den Herbst verschoben
Die Kunstfestspiele Herrenhausen weichen der Corona-Krise und werden auf den Herbst verschoben. Bis auf wenige Ausnahmen und einzelne Spielortänderungen sei es gelungen, den überwiegenden Teil des ursprünglichen Programms zu verlegen, teilte die Veranstalter am Donnerstag in Hannover mit. Die Festspiele beginnen am 24. September mit der Laser- und Klanginstallation “Fountain Scan” statt wie geplant an diesem Freitag.
Das Bühnenprogramm startet einen Tag später mit Eszter Salamons Mutter-Tochter-Stück “MONUMENT 0.7.: M/OTHERS”, das ihre eigentlich für die Eröffnung geplante Produktion ersetzt. Insgesamt ergänzen vier neue Produktionen das Programm.
Das große Mahler-Konzert – Intendant Ingo Metzmacher dirigiert die “Symphonie der Tausend” von Gustav Mahler – wird nach Festivalangaben auf 2021 verschoben. Mehrere Uraufführungen sind geplant, darunter Produktionen der freien Theaterszene. “Es grenzt an ein Wunder, dass es uns gelungen ist, das Programm, so wie es war, bis auf wenige Ausnahmen, hinüber zu retten”, sagte Metzmacher. Während der ursprünglich vorgesehenen Festivalzeit ab Freitag ist ein zweiwöchiges Onlineprogramm vorgesehen.
Herrenhausen Art Festival postponed until autumn
The Herrenhausen Art Festival gives way to the corona crisis and is postponed until autumn. With a few exceptions and individual changes in location, the majority of the original program had been successfully rescheduled, the organisers announced on Thursday in Hanover. The festival begins on September 24th with the laser and sound installation “Fountain Scan”, which was scheduled to start this Friday.
The stage program starts a day later with Eszter Salamon’s mother-daughter play “MONUMENT 0.7.: M/OTHERS”, which replaces the production that was originally planned for the opening. A total of four new productions complement the program.
The Mahler concert – director Ingo Metzmacher conducts the “Symphony of a Thousand” by Gustav Mahler – is postponed to 2021 according to the festival. Several premieres are planned, including productions from the independent theater scene. “It is a miracle that we managed to save the program as it was, with a few exceptions,” said Metzmacher. A two-week online program is planned for the originally planned festival time from Friday.
La popularité de la musique classique en hausse
La musique classique et le jazz sont devenus plus populaires que jamais en cette période de pandémie et de confinement. La hausse de l’écoute de ces genres musicaux se situe entre 20 et 42 % selon les différents sites de musique en continu, une tendance observée à l’échelle planétaire. Plusieurs facteurs expliquent ce choix musical, les gens en télétravail par exemple pourraient prioriser ce genre pour une ambiance plus calme. Le fait d’avoir plus de temps pourrait aussi expliquer cet intérêt pour le jazz et le classique, genre pour lequel les pièces sont souvent plus longues. La recherche d’apaisement serait aussi en cause. «Les notes de musique ça agit sur notre cerveau, notre corps. Quand on choisit la musique classique c’est pour apaiser quelque chose», conclut de son côté le psychologue Jean-François Mainville.
The popularity of classical music on the rise
Classical music and jazz have become more popular than ever in this time of pandemic and containment. The increase in listening to these musical genres is between 20 and 42% depending on the various streaming music sites, a trend observed worldwide. Several factors explain this choice of music, such as the fact that teleworkers, for example, may prioritize this genre for a calmer atmosphere. Having more time could also explain this interest in jazz and classical music, a genre for which the pieces are often longer. The search for peace and quiet would also be a factor. “Musical notes have an effect on our brain, our body. When we choose classical music it’s to soothe something,” concludes psychologist Jean-François Mainville.
Hollywood Bowl season canceled for the first time in 98 years.
For the first time in its nearly 100-year history, the Hollywood Bowl is canceling its entire season — a loss that amounts to far more than opening night with Brandi Carlile, the film screenings and sing-alongs, the concerts starring Diana Ross, Yuja Wang and Janelle Monáe that were to have followed.
The Hollywood Bowl is summer in Los Angeles. It is running, dizzy, down Highland Avenue with friends after a drink at the Frolic Room or a chilled martini at Musso & Frank.
It is barefoot and tanned just outside the gate, wearing a favorite cotton skirt, the scent of sizzling bacon-wrapped hot dogs and street corn slathered in mayonnaise blending with shouts of “tacos, tortas, aguas frescas!”
It is laughing in the $1 seats at the very top of the amphitheater, the sun melting like deep-yellow butter over the hills, stars blinking awake in the darkening dome of the sky.
The Hollywood Bowl is music: resplendent strings, cascading guitars, heart-beat drums. Classical, rock, jazz, funk, reggae, electronic. Blues, country, gospel, pop, punk. Hip-hop, metal, a cappella.
The shows have never stopped for more than two weeks during the last 100 summers at the Bowl.