
10th May: UK Music criticises government’s Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities report, Bachfest Leipzig 2021 limited to digital edition, Philharmonie de Paris: Concerts will resume on 19 May

Monday 10th May 2021

UK Music criticises government’s Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities report

The Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities was established in 2020 in the wake of Black Lives Matter protests. It aims to investigate race and ethnic disparities in the UK.

UK Music have stated that the report has not gone far enough in recognising the extent of structural and systemic racism across the country. 
‘There are missed opportunities in not making ethnic pay gap reporting a legal requirement,’ a spokesperson from the organisation said. ‘The report also missed the chance to adequately reflect the lived experience of ethnically diverse communities in the music industry and across society.’

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Bachfest Leipzig 2021 wird auf Digital-Ausgabe beschränkt

Nach der Absage 2020 hatten die Veranstalter des Bachfestes Leipzig in diesem Jahr unbedingt wieder ein Festival mit Publikum organisieren wollen. Doch seit Freitag steht fest: Das Bachfest 2021 muss digital stattfinden. Das Programm wird dafür eingedampft.

Statt mehr als 100 geplanten Veranstaltungen werde es zwölf gestreamte Konzerte mit Werkeinführungen und Gesprächsreihen geben, teilte die Veranstalter mit. Je nach Pandemie-Lage könne zum Online-Zyklus «Bachs Messias» eventuell kurzfristig ein kleines Publikum zugelassen werden.

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Bachfest Leipzig 2021 limited to digital edition

After the cancellation in 2020, the organisers of the Bachfest Leipzig desperately wanted to organise a festival with an audience again this year. But since Friday it has become clear: the Bach Festival 2021 will have to take place digitally, the programme will be reduced.

Instead of more than 100 planned events, twelve concerts with introductions to works and discussion series will be streamed, according to the organisers. Depending on the pandemic situation, a small audience may be admitted on short notice for the online cycle “Bach’s Messiah”.

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Philharmonie de Paris : les concerts en public reprendront dès le 19 mai

La Philharmonie de Paris se tient prête pour la première étape de réouverture des salles de concert. Le premier concert aura lieu dès le mercredi 19 mai, date à laquelle les spectacles pourront être à nouveau donnés en public avec une jauge limitée et des horaires aménagés.

800 spectateurs au maximum, soit moins de 35% de la capacité de la Grande salle Pierre Boulez (2400 places), auront la chance de pouvoir venir écouter Alexandre Tharaud le mercredi 19 mai, jour de réouverture des salles de concert. Les spectateurs devront, cependant, laisser deux places libres entre eux et porter un masque pendant toute la durée de leur séjour à la Philharmonie.

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Philharmonie de Paris: Concerts will resume on 19 May

The Philharmonie de Paris is ready for the first step of the reopening plan for concert halls. The first concert will take place on Wednesday 19 May, from which date on performances can officially be held again for a limited public and with adapted hours.

A maximum of 800 spectators, less than 35% of the capacity of the Grande Salle Pierre Boulez (2,400 seats), will be able to listen to Alexandre Tharaud on Wednesday 19 May. However, spectators will have to leave two empty seats between them and wear a mask for the duration of their stay at the Philharmonie.

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