
1st February: UK National Opera announces rollout of breathing programme, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania increases support for theatre renovation, Culturebox, an ephemeral channel of France Télévisions

Monday 1st February 2021

English National Opera announces rollout of breathing programme to help people recovering from COVID-19

The English National Opera begins the UK-wide rollout of ENO Breathe, a new prescribed programme of singing, breathing and wellbeing, designed to help those recovering from the symptoms of COVID-19.

The programme uses the techniques used for singers to improve quality of breath and help manage the anxiety that breathlessness often produces. Singing is shown to help retrain breathing, so ENO Breathe is using lullabies and singing exercises to help improve those with shortness of breath.

It is hoped that this new scheme will support those suffering from the effects of long COVID, for which there is an increasing demand across the NHS.

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Mecklenburg-Vorpommern erhöht Unterstützung für Theatersanierung in Greifswald

Das Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern hat seine finanzielle Unterstützung für die Sanierung des Theaters Vorpommern in Greifswald erhöht. Hintergrund ist eine Finanzierungslücke bei dem städtischen Bauvorhaben, die sich durch die Kostensteigerung von etwa 20 Millionen Euro auf mehr als 40 Millionen Euro aufgetan hatte.

Durch diese Lücke drohte das Vorhaben trotz der bereits zugesagten 10 Millionen Euro aus der Städtebauförderung zu scheitern, wie das Kulturministerium am Samstag mitteilte. In den vergangenen Wochen habe das Land dafür gemeinsam mit Oberbürgermeister Stefan Fassbinder nach einer tragfähigen Lösung gesucht. Das Ergebnis: Das Land wird nun auch zur höheren Summe die Hälfte dazugeben.


Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania increases support for theatre renovation in Greifswald

The state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has increased its financial support for the renovation of the Theatre Vorpommern in Greifswald. The reason for this is a gap in the financing of the municipal building project, which had opened up due to an increase in costs from about 20 million euros to more than 40 million euros.

Due to this gap, the project was in danger of failing despite the 10 million euros already promised from urban development funding, as the Ministry of Culture announced on Saturday. In recent weeks, the state has been working with Mayor Stefan Fassbinder to find a viable solution. The result: the state will now also add half to the higher sum.

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Culturebox : opéra, théâtre… ce que vous pourrez voir sur la chaîne éphémère de France Télévisions

Demandez le programme ! Culturebox, chaîne éphémère lancée par France Télévisions pour soutenir les artistes, démarre lundi soir sur le canal 19, avec un spectacle musical en direct depuis le Théâtre Mogador.

Une chaîne consacrée entièrement à la culture. Beaucoup en ont rêvé, France Télévisions le fait, en lançant ce lundi 1er février Culturebox. Cette chaîne éphémère, destinée à mettre en lumière le monde des arts et du spectacle, bel endormi depuis le début de la crise sanitaire du Covid-19, commencera à émettre à 20h30 sur le canal 19 de la TNT, laissé libre après la disparition de France Ô. Et fonctionnera 24 heures sur 24, pour trois mois, dans un premier temps.

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Culturebox: opera, theatre… what you can see on the ephemeral channel of France Télévisions

Ask for the programme! Culturebox, an ephemeral channel launched by France Télévisions to support artists, starts Monday evening on channel 19, with a live musical show from the Mogador Theatre.

A channel devoted entirely to culture. Many have dreamed of it, France Télévisions is doing it, by launching this Monday 1st February Culturebox. This ephemeral channel, intended to highlight the world of arts and entertainment, which has been sleeping well since the beginning of the Covid-19 health crisis, will start broadcasting at 8.30 pm on TNT channel 19, left free after the disappearance of France Ô. And will operate 24 hours a day, for three months at first. 

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