UK orchestras may not survive coronavirus pandemic, conductors warn
Two of Britain’s most influential conductors, Sir Simon Rattle and Sir Mark Elder, have warned of a “devastated landscape” in classical music after the pandemic in which orchestras may not survive.
Rattle and Elder said musicians in the UK felt “out in the wilderness” and called for more clarity from the government of when and how they can return to playing.
The performing arts, including theatre, music and dance, will be some of the last activities to resume as the UK climbs out of lockdown. With no income, many arts organisations are burning through reserves and, without targeted help, some will not survive.
In a letter to the Guardian, Rattle, the music director of the London Symphony Orchestra, and Elder, the music director of the Hallé Orchestra, describe classical music’s situation as desperate.

Der Traum vom gemeinsamen Online-Musizieren
Die Corona-Pandemie zwingt uns dazu, digitale Lösungen zu finden. Beim Musizieren ist das nicht so einfach. Wegen der Abstandsregeln machen viele alleine Musik, aber gemeinsam zu spielen ist nicht oder nur begrenzt möglich. Und auch eine funktionierend Online-Variante für das musikalische Miteinander fehlt noch, aber wohl nicht mehr lange: Momentan wird eine “Digitale Bühne” entwickelt. Sie soll für jedermann nutzbar sein und besser zum Musizieren geeignet als Zoom und Co.
Die Idee entstand bei einem so genannten Hackathon. Bei diesem Netzevent – initiiert von der Bundesregierung – trafen sich Menschen per Computer in einem digitalen Raum, um unter dem Motto #wirvsvirus Ideen zu entwickeln, wie sich Probleme im Corona-Alltag lösen lassen. Neben vielen anderen Bereichen ging es auch um Ideen für gemeinsames Musizieren.

The dream of making music together online
The corona pandemic forces us to find digital solutions. It’s not so easy when making music. Because of the distance rules, many people make music alone, but playing together is not possible or only possible to a limited extent. And a functioning online version for musical cooperation is still missing, but probably not for long: A “digital stage” is currently being developed. It should be usable for everyone and better suited for making music than Zoom and Co.
The idea was created during a so-called Hackathon. At this network event – initiated by the German government – people met via computer in a digital room to develop ideas under the motto #wirvsvirus to solve problems in everyday corona life. In addition to many other areas, ideas for making music together were also discussed.
George Floyd : le Metropolitan Opera de New York appelé à mieux prendre en compte la diversité
Alors qu’il est confronté à une grave crise financière depuis sa fermeture en raison de la pandémie de coronavirus, le Metropolitan Opera de New York subi les conséquence de l’affaire de la mort de George Floyd.
Lorsque la direction du Met a publié le 1er juin sur les réseaux sociaux un message de soutien au mouvement antiraciste (#BlackLivesMatter) qui a émergé après la mort de George Floyd à Minneapolis, elle ne s’imaginait pas qu’il susciterait autant de réactions. Dans ce message l’institution new-yorkaise déclarait pourtant «Il n’y a pas de place pour le racisme dans les arts. Il n’y a pas de place pour le racisme à New York. Il n’y a pas de place pour le racisme dans ce pays, ainsi que dans le monde entier. Le Met soutient ceux qui élèvent la voix en faveur de la justice et de l’égalité», mais ce sont surtout des voix critiques qui se sont élevées après sa diffusion.
Internautes et musiciens demandent à l’institution de mieux prendre en compte la question de la diversité. Des internautes demandent le retrait d’Aïda du site du Met, où Anna Netrebko a le visage noirci.

George Floyd: New York’s Metropolitan Opera called upon to take better account of diversity
While facing a serious financial crisis since its closure due to the coronavirus pandemic, New York’s Metropolitan Opera is suffering the consequences of the George Floyd death case.
When the Met’s management posted a message of support for the anti-racist movement (#BlackLivesMatter) on social networks on June 1, which emerged after George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis, they had no idea that it would elicit such a response. In this message, the New York institution declared, however, “There is no place for racism in the arts. There is no room for racism in New York. There is no place for racism in this country, and in the world as a whole. The Met supports those who raise their voices for justice and equality,” but it was mostly critical voices that were raised after its broadcast.
Internet users and musicians are calling on the institution to take better account of the issue of diversity. Internet users are calling for Aida to be removed from the Met’s website, where Anna Netrebko’s face is blackened.