ABO report shows 23% boost in earned income for UK orchestras
A new survey carried out by the Association of British Orchestras (ABO) has revealed a 23% increase in earnings from ticket sales and tours for the UK’s orchestral sector.
The State of the UK’s Orchestras 2019 report, an update on key statistics delivered in 2016, is based on a survey of ABO members and will be launched in Manchester today (Wednesday 29 January 2020) at the ABO’s annual conference.
After a period of financial uncertainty, the report shows how the UK’s orchestras have developed a resilience by harnessing vital public investment to perform more international concerts.
Key findings from the survey include:
– 7% increase in the number of concert performances given by orchestras outside the UK compared to 2016
– A total income of £148.6 million for UK orchestras – a 23% increase on earned income since 2016
– New markets for UK orchestras in Far East countries with visits to Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines and Singapore as well as Japan, South Korea and China
– 4.25 million people attending UK orchestral concerts or other performances (1% rise on 2016)
– Signs of growth among the sector’s ‘newest shoots’ with newer chamber ensembles increasing the number of performances they gave
– 15% increase in recordings for CD or paid audio download and 18% in the number of recordings for radio/free audio streaming or download

Neuer Jugendchor für die Hamburgische Staatsoper
Die Hamburgische Staatsoper hat angekündigt, dass sie einen neuen Jugendchor gründen wird. Für den Chor sucht die Oper aktuell junge Menschen zwischen 15 und 25 Jahren, bestenfalls bereits mit Chor- oder Orchestererfahrung. Die Proben sollen Ende Februar beginnen.
Der neue Chor wird Teil der „Alsterspatzen“, dem bereits bestehenden Kinder- und Jugendchor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper unter der Leitung von Luiz de Godoy. Geplant sind Auftritte in und um Hamburg, darunter eine Uraufführung in der Elbphilharmonie mit dem Philharmonischen Staatsorchester Hamburg und Kent Nagano.

New Youth Choir for Hamburgische Staatsoper
Hamburg’s State Opera has announced that it will establish a new youth choir. The opera is currently looking for young people between the ages of 15 and 25 for the new choir, at best with experience in choir or orchestra. Rehearsals are scheduled to begin in late February.
The new choir will be part of the “Alsterspatzen”, the already existing children’s and youth choir of the Hamburg State Opera under the direction of Luiz de Godoy. Performances in and around Hamburg are planned, including a world premiere in the Elbphilharmonie with the Hamburg Philharmonic State Orchestra and Kent Nagano.
3 chefs d’orchestre en lice pour le Concertgebouw d’Amsterdam
Les membres de l’orchestre Royal du Concertgebouw ont voté samedi pour désigner le chef qu’ils aimeraient voir à la tête de leur formation. 3 candidats étaient soumis à ce scrutin dont le résultat n’a pas encore été publiquement révélé. Le public et la presse néerlandaise avaient parié sur le populaire Jaap van Zweden, ancien violoniste au Concertgebouw et directeur musical du New York Philharmonic Orchestra depuis 2018. Mauvaise pioche, le natif d’Amsterdam ne jouera pas à domicile. La direction de l’institution néerlandaise a soumis une short-list de 3 candidats prestigieux au vote des membres de l’orchestre afin de pourvoir le poste de directeur musical du Concertgebouw, vacant depuis l’éviction en 2018 du chef italien Daniele Gatti, sous le coup d’accusations de harcèlement sexuel. Les trois chefs d’orchestre retenus seraient, selon le quotidien De Volkskrant: Andris Nelsons (41 ans), Iván Fischer (69 ans) et Valery Gergiev (66).

3 conductors in the running for the Amsterdam Concertgebouw
The members of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra voted on Saturday to designate the conductor they would like to see lead their group. 3 candidates were submitted to this vote, the result of which has not yet been publicly revealed. The public and the Dutch press had bet on the popular Jaap van Zweden, former violinist with the Concertgebouw and music director of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra since 2018. Wrong pick, the Amsterdam native will not play at home. The management of the Dutch institution has submitted a shortlist of three prestigious candidates to the orchestra members for the position of Music Director of the Concertgebouw, which has been vacant since Italian conductor Daniele Gatti was ousted in 2018 on charges of sexual harassment. According to the daily De Volkskrant, the three conductors selected are Andris Nelsons (41), Iván Fischer (69) and Valery Gergiev (66).