Usha Kapoor releases her debut album “Beach & Corigliano, Violin Sonatas” on 26 January 2024
Starting off the new year, Usha Kapoor will release her debut album “Beach & Corigliano, Violin Sonatas” on 26 January 2024. Centring around North American classical music, Kapoor joins the passionate compositions of Amy Beach and the harsher sounds of modern composer John Corigliano to a musical dialogue, rich in contrast and emotion.
The intensity of the featured compositions emphasises the societal struggles of both artists. Whilst exploring the emotional layers of their music, Kapoor aims to promote more diversity in the field of classical music.

“Championing diversity in classical music is essential for unlocking the full spectrum of creative potential within our art form. By recognising and celebrating the unique artistic perspectives that stem from diverse backgrounds, we enrich the tapestry of our field, ensuring a vibrant and inclusive space for limitless contributions that arise from the innate creative capacities of every individual.” (Usha Kapoor)
Emotionality and diversity define Kapoor’s relationship with classical music. Ever since learning to play the violin at age eleven, music has been a way to tap into her feelings. Influenced by both Indian and European classical music during her childhood, she embraces the many facets that music has to offer.

Winner of the Tunnell Trust Award, Usha Kapoor’s debut album “Beach & Corigliano, Violin Sonatas” invites us on an emotional journey through the unknown genre of North American classical music.
The album will be released by the Resonus Classic label on the 26th of January 2024. Shortly after she offers the opportunity to experience her music live in the Piano Salon Christophori in Berlin on the 30th of January.