The Guardian
A guide to Galina Ustvolskaya’s music
The Russian composer’s brutally uncompromising work has an elementality that’s both horrifying and thrilling.
The Telegraph
The Firework-Maker’s Daughter, The Opera Group & Opera North 7 ROH2, Linbury Studio Theatre
The Firework-Maker’s Daughter is a smartly gift-wrapped musical entertainment which won’t put a child off opera for life, says Rupert Christiansen.
BBC News
Margaret Thatcher: An inspiration to artists?
Classic FM
From The Back Desk – Gavin Edwards, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
Graham Johnson awarded Wigmore Hall Medal
The Gazette (via Arts Journal)
OSM officials are denying that Kent Nagano will be on his way in 2016 – without quite affirming that the Californian conductor is planning to stay.