
22nd June: VCM launches composition competition, first recipients of Sirens funding announced, and Apple considers reducing royalty rates

Thursday 22nd June 2017

In today’s news: German broadcast license fee decreases, and conductor Frieder Bernius celebrates his 70th birthday. Fete de la musique has begun in Berlin and Brandenburg, and Dina Gilbert becomes music director in Kamloops. ABO announces first recipients of sirens fund.

Classical Music Magazine

VCM Foundation launches composition competition

The Voces Cantabiles Music (VCM) Foundation has launched its inaugural composition competition. Composers are invited to submit an original composition for SATB divisi a cappella lasting a maximum of four minutes. The compositon must not have been performed before.

The Strad

Remembering Bernard Millant 1929-2017

The esteemed bow maker, dealer, author and expert died in April aged 87. Jean-François Raffin, who worked with Millant and co-authored the celebrated three-volume work L’Archet with him, remembers his friend and colleague

Music Business Worldwide

Now Apple wants to reduce royalty rate it pays record labels

Last year, MBW broke the news that Spotify was trying to negotiate the royalty rate it paid record labels down from 55% of revenue closer towards 50%. Now Apple is believed to be on a similar mission.

Classical Music Magazine

ABO announces first recipients of Sirens funding

The Association of British Orchestras has announced the first recipients of its Sirens awards made to UK orchestras for projects to raise awareness of historic women composers

Berliner Zeitung

Rundfunkbeitrag GEZ-Einnahmen sinken auf knapp acht Milliarden Euro

Die Einnahmen aus dem Rundfunkbeitrag zur Finanzierung der öffentlich-rechtlichen Sender sinken. – Quelle: http://www.berliner-zeitung.de/27836904 ©2017


Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Frieder Bernius!

Der Stuttgarter Dirigent Frieder Bernius feiert heute seinen 70. Geburtstag. Seit einem halben Jahrhundert setzt er mit dem Kammerchor Stuttgart neue Maßstäbe

Kulturradio vom rbb

Fête de la musique in Berlin und Brandenburg

Zum Sommeranfang erklingt Live-Musik von vielen Freilichtbühnen, Plätzen und Parks.

Broadway World

NEA Awards Orpheus Chamber Orchestra $40,000 Art Works Grant
National Endowment for the Arts Chairman Jane Chu has approved more than $82 million to fund local arts projects across the country in the NEA’s second major funding announcement for fiscal year 2017.


Dina Gilbert named Music Director in Kamloops, British Columbia
Born in Québec, Gilbert has served as an assistant conductor of the Montreal Symphony Orchestra from 2013 to 2016.


:By our reckoning, the mighty will just have completed her 24 piano marathon for Macmillan Cancer Support! Well played, Anna!
2 in 1911 FP of ‘s Coronation March at the coronation of King George V and Queen Mary in London.
Classical Music Magazine: ABO announces first recipients of Sirens funding