
12th August: Venues and crew signal ‘red alert’, West-Eastern Divan Orchestra with memorial concerts for Beirut, How classical music tries to save its summer

Wednesday 12th August 2020

Venues and crew signal ‘red alert’ for live music, theatre and events

Music venues, theatres and their workforces have taken part in a day of action around the UK to highlight the crisis facing the live events scene.

More than 300 venues including London’s National Theatre and Royal Festival Hall turned their lights red as part of the Red Alert campaign.

And out-of-work music industry crew were among those who took part in a march through Manchester on Tuesday.

Artists including New Order, Doves and Leona Lewis voiced their support.

The Red Alert movement and #WeMakeEvents marches aimed to raise awareness about the threat of job losses in the sector.

Producers, engineers, tour managers, security staff, truck drivers and cleaners also marched past some of Manchester’s closed venues.

Similar protests took place in other cities, as arts and event venues were illuminated to highlight the Red Alert theme.

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West-Eastern Divan Orchestra mit Gedenkkonzerten für Beirut

Berlin, 11.08.2020. Das West-Eastern Divan Orchestra widmet seiner kommenden Konzerte den Opfern der Explosion in der libanesischen Hauptstadt Beirut. Ende der Woche finden die zwei Vorstellungen unter Daniel Barenboim im Pierre Boulez Saal in Berlin statt. Den Opfern in Beirut wird mit Werken von Beethoven, Wagner, Schönberg und Boulez gedacht. Ursprünglich hätte nur eines der Konzerte stattfinden sollen, anlässlich der Explosion wurde jedoch ein Zusatztermin organisiert. Beide Veranstaltungen sind auf 150 Besucher ausgelegt.

In der vergangenen Woche explodierten im Hafen der libanesischen Hauptstadt Beirut rund 2.750 Tonnen Ammoniumnitrat. Die Pier sowie weite Teile der Stadt wurden zerstört, über 200 Menschen starben und mehrere tausend Personen wurden verletzt. In Folge der Explosionen trat zwischenzeitlich die Regierung unter Premierminister Hassan Diab von ihrem Amt zurück.

Das West-Eastern Divan Orchestra wurde 1999 gegründet. Daniel Barenboim und der verstorbene palästinensische Literaturwissenschaftler Edward Said riefen einen Workshop für junge Musiker ins Leben, um den interkulturellen Dialog zu fördern. Sie benannten das Orchester und den Workshop nach Johann Wolfgang von Goethes Gedichtsammlung “West-östlicher Diwan”, einem zentralen Werk für die Entwicklung des Konzepts der Weltkultur. Die ersten Probensitzungen des Orchesters fanden in Weimar und Chicago statt. Mittlerweile ist es Beispiel für zahlreiche ähnliche künstlerische Unternehmungen. Israelis und Araber spielen in dem Klangkörper zusammen Seite an Seite und bilden einen “Leuchtturm der Völkerverständigung”.

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West-Eastern Divan Orchestra with memorial concerts for Beirut

Berlin, 11.08.2020. The West-Eastern Divan Orchestra dedicates its upcoming concerts to the victims of the explosion in the Lebanese capital Beirut. At the end of the week, the two performances under Daniel Barenboim will take place in the Pierre Boulez Saal in Berlin. The victims in Beirut will be commemorated with works by Beethoven, Wagner, Schönberg and Boulez. Originally, only one of the concerts should have taken place, but on the occasion of the explosion an additional date was arranged. Both events are designed for 150 visitors.

Last week, around 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate exploded in the port of the Lebanese capital Beirut. The pier and large parts of the city were destroyed, more than 200 people died and several thousand were injured. As a result of the explosions, the government under Prime Minister Hassan Diab has meanwhile resigned from office.

The West-Eastern Divan Orchestra was founded in 1999. Daniel Barenboim and the late Palestinian literary scholar Edward Said established a workshop for young musicians to promote intercultural dialogue. They named the orchestra and workshop after Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s collection of poems “West-Eastern Divan”, a central work for the development of the concept of world culture. The first rehearsal sessions of the orchestra took place in Weimar and Chicago. In the meantime, it has become an example for numerous similar artistic undertakings. Israelis and Arabs play together side by side in the orchestra and form a “beacon of international understanding”.

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Comment la musique classique tente de sauver son été

Face au coronavirus, les initiatives solidaires et engagées se multiplient, à l’instar d’une trentaine de petits ensembles qui se regroupent géographiquement ou par affinité artistique, pour créer leur propre festival.

On n’est jamais si bien servi que par soi-même. Face à l’annulation des festivals partout en France cet été, une trentaine d’ensembles vocaux et instrumentaux ont décidé d’organiser eux-mêmes la relance de leur activité. En quelques semaines, opérant des rapprochements géographiques ou artistiques, ils ont conçu quatre festivals avec plus de 200 concerts.

Composés d’artistes non permanents – par opposition aux orchestres et choeurs au personnel salarié – ces ensembles dits « indépendants » ont la fibre entrepreneuriale car ils s’autofinancent en moyenne à 70 %.

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How classical music tries to save its summer

In the face of the coronavirus, solidarity and committed initiatives are multiplying, such as about thirty small ensembles that are grouping together geographically or by artistic affinity to create their own festival.

One is never better served than by oneself. Faced with the cancellation of festivals all over France this summer, some thirty vocal and instrumental ensembles have decided to organise their own revival. Within a few weeks, making geographical or artistic connections, they conceived four festivals with more than 200 concerts.

Composed of non-permanent artists – as opposed to orchestras and choirs with salaried staff – these so-called “independent” ensembles have an entrepreneurial fibre because they are on average 70% self-financing.

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