
27th March: German violinist Mutter tests positive for coronavirus, Violinist Wolfgang Marschner dead at 93, Bolshoi is going to broadcast its best shows

Friday 27th March 2020

German violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter tests positive for coronavirus

The star violinist revealed her diagnosis in a Facebook video, saying “it’s a difficult situation for any artist, but better times will come”.

German violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter has tested positive for coronavirus.

The virtuoso, 56, revealed the news in a Facebook video captioned ‘COVID-19’, adding that she is currently at home under quarantine.
“I have been tested positive,” she says (watch below). “I’m staying in quarantine at home and I’m expecting to fully recover.
“Yes, in some tragic cases it’s a really difficult situation, but in my case, I’m 56 and I’m not smoking. So, the smokers out there, my fans, you should really consider stopping now.
“Stay healthy and if you are with me in spirit – or in virus – let’s stay strong.”

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Geiger Wolfgang Marschner ist tot

Der Pädagoge, Violinist und Komponist Wolfgang Marschner ist im Alter von 93 Jahren verstorben.
Marschner wurde 1926 in Dresden geboren. Im Alter von vier Jahren wurde er jüngstes Mitglied der Orchesterschule der Staatskapelle Dresden, mit neun Jahren debütierte er mit Tartinis Teufelstriller-Sonate und setzte seine Studien mit vierzehn Jahren am Mozarteum Salzburg fort.
Marschner lehrte an der Folkwang-Hochschule Essen und an der Musikhochschule Köln. Er war Professor an der Tokio University of Fine Arts and Music und ab 1963/64 an der Musikhochschule Freiburg im Breisgau. Meisterkurse gab er u.a. in Peking, Ankara, London, Weimar, Warschau und St. Petersburg. Er war darüber hinaus Juror bei zahlreichen Wettbewerben.  1976 gründete er in Freiburg den Internationalen Violin-Wettbewerb “Ludwig Spohr”, darüber hinaus ein eigenes “Kammerorchester Wolfgang Marschner” sowie die “Deutsche Spohr Akademie” und das Marschner-Festival Hinterzarten zur Förderung junger Künstler.
Marschner wurde 1986 mit dem Verdienstkreuz am Bande der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ausgezeichnet und war Ehrenmitglied der Max-Bruch-Gesellschaft.

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Violinist Wolfgang Marschner is dead

The pedagogue, violinist and composer Wolfgang Marschner has died at the age of 93.
Marschner was born in Dresden in 1926. At the age of four he became the youngest member of the orchestra school of the Staatskapelle Dresden, at the age of nine he made his debut with Tartini’s Teufelstriller-Sonate and continued his studies at the Mozarteum Salzburg at the age of fourteen.
Marschner taught at the Folkwang-Hochschule Essen and at the Musikhochschule Cologne. He was professor at the Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music and from 1963/64 at the Musikhochschule Freiburg im Breisgau. He gave master classes in Beijing, Ankara, London, Weimar, Warsaw, St. Petersburg and other cities. He was also a juror at numerous competitions.  In 1976 he founded the International Violin Competition “Ludwig Spohr” in Freiburg, as well as his own “Wolfgang Marschner Chamber Orchestra”, the “German Spohr Academy” and the Marschner Festival Hinterzarten to promote young artists.
Marschner was awarded the Cross of Merit with Ribbon of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1986 and was an honorary member of the Max Bruch Society.

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Pour la 1ère fois, le Bolchoï va diffuser ses meilleurs spectacles sur internet

« Pour la première fois dans son histoire, le Bolchoï va diffuser en ligne une série de spectacles enregistrés dans le passé, qui font partie de sa collection d’or« , a annoncé ce jeudi le théâtre dans un communiqué. 6 spectacles seront proposés aux spectateurs sur la chaîne officielle du Bolchoï sur YouTube, « sans restrictions géographiques« , est-t-il bien précisé. Le ballet du Lac des cygnes sur la musique de Piotr Ilitch Tchaïkovski sera le 1er à être présenté au public vendredi à 17H00 (heure de Paris) et sera suivi dans les prochains jours, à la même heure, de Boris Godounov, l’opéra de Modeste Moussorgski, ou encore du ballet de La Belle au bois dormant (toujours Tchaïkovski). Chaque spectacle restera disponible sur la plateforme vidéo pendant 24 heures après sa diffusion.

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For the first time, the Bolshoi is going to broadcast its best shows on the Internet

“For the first time in its history, the Bolshoi will broadcast online a series of shows recorded in the past, which are part of its gold collection,” the Bolshoi announced in a statement Thursday. Six shows will be offered to spectators on the Bolshoi’s official channel on YouTube, “with no geographical restrictions”, it is clearly stated. The Swan Lake ballet to the music of Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky will be the first to be presented to the public on Friday at 5:00 pm (Paris time) and will be followed in the coming days, at the same time, by Boris Godounov, the opera by Modeste Mussorgsky, or the ballet of Sleeping Beauty (again Tchaikovsky). Each show will remain available on the video platform for 24 hours after its broadcast.

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