
1st December: Violinist Sheila Nelson has died, German government increases social insurance for artists, French Institute and La Villette provide digital access to culture in Côte d’Ivoire

Tuesday 1st December 2020

The violinist Sheila Nelson has died

The violinist Sheila Nelson has died, aged 84. In a career spanning more than 50 years, she created much educational music, played with the English Chamber Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and the Menuhin Orchestra. But it is as a teacher that she was best known and most highly regarded.

Sheila Nelson studied at the Royal College of Music and received a BMus degree from London University. She also studied at the University of Birmingham and in Denmark and was an Honorary Member of the Royal Academy of Music (HonRAM), a distinction limited to 300 musicians.11:13 UhrIn 1976 she went to the USA on a Churchill Fellowship, to study the teaching methods of Paul Rolland. On her return to the UK she was invited in the 1980s by the Inner London Education Authority to lead a string project in the east London borough of Tower Hamlets. This scheme, involving teams of teachers giving string tuition to whole classes as part of the normal school curriculum was the subject of a six-part documentary series called Beginners Please. Over the course of her career she would travel worldwide as a teacher and workshop facilitator.

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Bund erhöht Zuschüsse zur Künstlersozialversicherung

Die Bundesregierung will die Künstlersozialversicherung zusätzlich finanziell unterstützen. Neben dem Bundeszuschuss hat der Haushaltsausschuss des Bundestags eine Entlastung in Höhe von 32,5 Millionen Euro beschlossen. Außerdem soll dadurch der Abgabesatz für Unternehmen, die publizistische Leistungen extern beauftragen, im kommenden Jahr bei 4,2 Prozent des dafür bezahlten Betrages gehalten werden.

Kulturstaatsministerin Monika Grütters (CDU) begründete die zusätzliche  Finanzierung mit den Folgen der Corona-Krise für die Kulturbranche. “Gerade jetzt müssen wir dafür sorgen, dass Kreative auch in Zukunft von ihrer Arbeit leben können und angemessen abgesichert sind”, so Grütters. Dass der Abgabesatz nicht erhöht werde, sei ein “sehr gute[s] Signal”. Die Ministerin will sich weiter für “eine zukunftsfeste Absicherung selbstständiger Kreativer in der Künstlersozialversicherung einsetzen”.

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Federal government increases subsidies for social insurance for artists

The Federal Government intends to provide additional financial support for the social insurance scheme for artists. In addition to the federal subsidy, the Bundestag’s Budget Committee has decided to grant discharge amounting to 32.5 million euros. Furthermore, this is intended to keep the tax rate for companies that commission journalistic services externally at 4.2 per cent of the amount paid for them in the coming year.

Minister of State for Culture Monika Grütters (CDU) justified the additional financing by pointing out the consequences of the Corona crisis for the cultural sector. “Especially now we have to ensure that creative people can continue to live from their work in the future and are adequately secured”, said Grütters. The fact that the levy rate is not being increased is a “very good signal”. The Minister wants to continue to advocate “future-proof coverage of self-employed creative people in the social insurance scheme for artists”.

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L’Institut français et La Villette fournissent un accès numérisé à la culture en Côte d’Ivoire

La Côte d’Ivoire a récemment accueilli une « Micro-Folie ». Il s’agit d’un espace modulable, combiné à des outils informatiques pédagogiques. Il donne accès à plus de 1 500 œuvres d’art digitalisées. Le dispositif est une initiative culturelle de La Villette. Il a été inauguré dans le pays ouest-africain par l’Institut français.

Les œuvres concernées proviennent d’établissements comme le Louvre ou la Philharmonie de Paris. La Micro-Folie permet d’accéder à La Joconde, au Couronnement de Charlemagne ou encore la 5ème Symphonie de Beethoven. Elle les décrypte et les met en valeur en France et dans plusieurs autres pays. Son arrivée en Côte d’Ivoire est une première pour toute l’Afrique de l’Ouest.

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The French Institute and La Villette provide digital access to culture in Côte d’Ivoire

Côte d’Ivoire recently hosted a “Micro-Folie”. This is a modular space, combined with computer-based teaching tools. It provides access to more than 1,500 digitised works of art. The device is a cultural initiative of La Villette. It was inaugurated in the West African country by the French Institute.

The works concerned come from institutions such as the Louvre and the Philharmonie de Paris. The Micro-Folie provides access to the Mona Lisa, Charlemagne’s Coronation and Beethoven’s 5th Symphony. It deciphers them and promotes them in France and in several other countries. Her arrival in the Ivory Coast is a first for the whole of West Africa.

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