The newest addition to our client roster is Dr. Laura Bennett Cameron, academic and bassoonist. We are very pleased to be working with Laura as she travels to Paris and Granada in August 2018, to present the work of French composer Roger Boutry and record a new album of his works.

Laura Bennett Cameron
Laura teaches Applied Bassoon, Music Theory, and Ear Training at the University of Texas (Arlington), and is the principal bassoonist of Dallas Winds (formerly Dallas Wind Symphony). In addition to her position as the principal bassoon of the Grammy-nominated Dallas Winds, Dr. Bennett Cameron also substitutes with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra and the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, among others. Laura appears frequently as a soloist, having given recent recitals in the US and Europe, and performed concertos and solos with orchestras across the US.
Dr. Bennett Cameron is actively involved in research and publication. Her main research focus is the music of French composer Roger Boutry, who was awarded the prestigious Grand Prix de Rome in 1954. Her pioneering research on Boutry and his compositions represents the first major published resources on the composer in any language.
Laura is the founder of La Société for la Promotion de la Musique de Roger Boutry, an American foundation devoted to the promotion and advancement of Boutry’s compositions. She also serves as solo bassoonist in The Boutry Ensemble, a chamber ensemble dedicated to the education and engagement of American audiences with the composer’s body of work. Bennett Cameron and Boutry can be heard on their recording French Masterworks for Bassoon and Piano (Indesens 2016), available through iTunes and all major music media outlets.

Roger Boutry
Dr. Bennett Cameron holds a Doctor of Music in Bassoon from the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, with concentrations in Music Theory and Early Music. She holds a Master of Music degree from the New England Conservatory of Music, and a Bachelor of Music from West Texas A&M University.