West End’s Phantom of the Opera slices orchestra in half, leaving musicians without a job
Despite promises the original production would return after coronavirus restrictions are lifted, The Phantom of the Opera’s orchestra will be cut in half when it returns to the West End.
Andrew Lloyd Webber’s hit musical, once celebrated for having the largest orchestra in the West End, has reduced its players from 27 to just 14.
All 27 members were released from their contracts while Her Majesty’s Theatre was undergoing refurbishment, with hopes they might be rehired. Now, while 14 musicians can re-audition for the show’s return on 21 July, 13 of the jobs no longer exist.

Berlins Kultursenator kritisiert Infektionsschutzgesetz
Berlins Kultursenator Klaus Lederer (Linke) kritisiert das pauschale Verbot kultureller Veranstaltungen mit Publikum, wie es in der Novelle des Infektionsschutzgesetzes vorgesehen ist. „Kulturschaffenden und ‑einrichtungen wird damit auf absehbare Zeit jede Möglichkeit abgeschnitten, dem Publikum zu begegnen“, sagte Lederer am Mittwoch. Zumindest Open-Air-Veranstaltungen müssten möglich sein, forderte er. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen belegten, dass das Risiko einer Corona-Ansteckung bei Aktivitäten unter freiem Himmel sehr viel geringer sei als in Innenräumen.
Das Gesamtpaket der Gesetzesänderung stelle leider keine schnelle, effektive und kurzzeitige „Notbremse“ dar, sondern lasse eher „ein langwieriges Schaukeln zwischen pauschalen Lockerungen und deren Rücknahme um die Inzidenzmarke 100 erwarten“, erklärte Lederer. „Einen Sommer ohne irgendeine Perspektive für die Kultur, und sei es nur unter freiem Himmel, vermag ich mir nicht vorzustellen.“

Berlin’s Culture Senator criticises protection against infection law
Berlin’s Senator for Culture Klaus Lederer (Linke) has criticised the blanket ban on cultural events attended by an audience, as planned in the amendment to the Infection Protection Act. “For the foreseeable future, this will cut off any possibility for cultural professionals and institutions to meet the public,” said Lederer on Wednesday. He demanded that at a minimum, open-air events should be allowed. Scientific studies proved that the risk of a coronavirus infection is much lower at open-air activities than indoors.
“Unfortunately, the overall amendments to the law do not represent a quick, effective and short-term emergency brake, but rather suggest a protracted change between blanket relaxations and their withdrawal around the incidence mark of 100”, Lederer explained. “I can’t imagine a summer without any perspective for culture.”
Une symphonie « dégénérée » retrouvée à Milan
À la recherche des œuvres disparues #3 : une symphonie d’un protégé juif de Furtwängler, enterrée à Milan en 1939, a été retrouvée intacte et enregistrée.Paul Kletzki (1900-1973) est plus connu comme chef d’orchestre que comme compositeur, et pour cause.
Violoniste adolescent dans les rangs du Philharmonique de Lodz, sa ville natale, étudiant la composition et la direction au Conservatoire de Varsovie, il est envoyé sur le front se battre contre l’envahisseur russe. Tous ses camarades se font tuer, et il rentre seul, le désespoir chevillé au cœur. C’est la musique qui le sauvera.

A missing symphony is found in Milan
During a search of missing works, a symphony by a Jewish protégé of Furtwängler, buried in Milan in 1939, has been found intact and recorded.
Paul Kletzki (1900-1973) is better known as a conductor than as a composer, and for good reason. As a teenage violinist in the Philharmonic of his native Lodz, and as a student of composition and conducting at the Warsaw Conservatory, he was sent to the front to fight against the Russian invaders. All his comrades were killed, and he returned home alone, with despair in his heart. It is music that will save him.