This December, we will be recommending five items that we think are fun, festive, classical and enjoyable! Every Monday, five members of the WildKat team will recommend some Christmas and Holiday-themed items that mean something to them. We will also be including links to everything in the descriptions below. Be sure to check back each week as we will be sharing a new list of recommendations!
This week we have Laure Ugolini, Lucas Muth, Hannah Goldshlack-Wolf, Olivia Brown and Anna Read sharing their recommendations for our final festive blog.

Christmas Playlist
Weihnachtslieder für Kinder
‘The only playlist on repeat in my house at the moment…my daughter loves it and despite hearing it over and over again, I’m starting to love it too!’
Recommended by Laure Ugolini

‘I love Swedish food! Indeed, the country in the north has very good taste when it comes to sweets. My all-time-favourite treat when I arrive in Sweden are always the delicious chokladbollar (chocolate-balls). They are easy (which is perfect because I’m not a great cook!), they are tasty and nothing screams Christmas more than a sweet looking like a snowball.’
Recipe available here: Chokladbollar
Recommended by Lucas Muth
Check local food banks, shelters and blood banks
‘This week is really the beginning of the end of the year 2020, certainly one of the most tumultuous in my lifetime, and sometimes I can’t believe my good fortune that I was able to walk away from it unscathed while so many others have lost their lives, their loved ones, their health, their prosperity. Before settling in for Christmas and New Year’s, perhaps consider making a monetary or in-kind donation to your local food bank, shelter, or if you can, give blood.’

Recommended by Hannah Goldshlack-Wolf
See the link for donating blood: https://www.blood.co.uk/
The Trussell Trust
‘The holidays can be a hard time for many, and this year is absolutely no exception. I’d like to recommend the UK charity, The Trussell Trust. Its aim is to end hunger in the UK. They support a nationwide network of food banks and provide emergency food and support to people locked in poverty, and campaign for change to end the need for food banks in the UK.’

Discover how you can help out: The Trussell Trust
Recommended by Olivia Brown
Classical Piece
Handel’s ‘Messiah‘
‘I’ve woken up to the sound of Handel’s Messiah every Christmas morning for as long as I can remember. It always makes me feel very Christmassy. Merry Christmas!’
Listen to Handel’s ‘Messiah’ here: Accentus Music
Recommended by Anna Read