PPL Elects Hannah Joseph and Horace Trubridge as Performer Directors

This month’s Annual Performer Meeting (APM) of the PPL on 25 November 2021, it was announced that PPL-registered performers have elected Hannah Joseph and re-elected Horace Trubridge as Performer Directors.
Hannah Joseph founded Decibelle Management in 2013. Horace Trubridge is general secretary of the Musicians’ Union. He was elected to the role of Performer Director in 2018 with Robin Firman, who steps down from the post this year.
PPL is the UK’s music licensing company for over 120,000 performers and recording rightsholders. Joseph and Trubridge will sit on both the PPL Performer Board and the main PPL Board.
Hindemith-Preis 2022 für Komponistin Hannah Kendall
Die britische Komponistin Hannah Kendall wird im Rahmen des kommenden Schleswig-Holstein-Musikfestivals mit dem Hindemith-Preis 2022 ausgezeichnet.
Die 33. Hindemith-Preisträgerin überzeugte die Jury mit ihrem breiten kompositorischen Spektrum und einem expressiven Stil: “Hannah Kendall zeigt eine enorme kompositorische Vielfalt, die von klassischem Erbe bis hin zu experimentellen Ideen reicht. Die Klangfülle, die sie mit scheinbar spielerischer Leichtigkeit kreiert, ihre klare Struktur, ihre Energie und Kompromisslosigkeit haben uns vorbehaltlos begeistert.”, begründete Dr. Christian Kuhnt, Intendant des Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival, die Entscheidung.

Hannah Kendall will be awarded the Hindemith Prize 2022
The British composer Hannah Kendall will be awarded the Hindemith Prize 2022 at the upcoming Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival.
The 33rd Hindemith Prize winner convinced the judges with her broad compositional spectrum and expressive style: “Hannah Kendall displays enormous compositional diversity, ranging from classical heritage to experimental ideas. The sonority she creates with seemingly playful ease, her clear structure, her energy and uncompromisingness have enthused us without reservation,” said Dr Christian Kuhnt, artistic director of the Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival, explaining the decision.
Joséphine Baker, une femme libre fait son entrée au Panthéon
Personnalité charismatique aux multiples talents, Joséphine Baker sera la sixième femme à faire son entrée au Panthéon.C’est une femme au « destin exceptionnel » qui va faire son entrée au Panthéon, mardi 30 novembre.
Véritable “incarnation de l’esprit français”, selon un communiqué de la Présidence de la République, Joséphine Baker a été l’artiste de music-hall que l’on sait, une danseuse et une chanteuse incroyablement libre dont la renommée a fait le tour du monde, mais aussi une personnalité engagée dans tous les combats en faveur de la liberté et de l’émancipation, comme ceux de la Résistance pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, des droits civiques aux États-Unis et des droits des femmes.

Joséphine Baker Inducted into the Pantheon
A charismatic and multi-talented personality, Josephine Baker will be the sixth woman to be inducted into the Pantheon on Tuesday 30 November.
A true “embodiment of the French spirit”, according to a press release from the Presidency of the Republic, Josephine Baker was the music-hall artist we know, an incredibly free dancer and singer whose fame spread around the world, but also a personality committed to all the struggles for freedom and emancipation, such as those of the Resistance during the Second World War, civil rights in the United States, and women’s rights.
Curtis Institute of Music Partners with 92nd Street Y

A new collaboration between Philadelphia’s Curtis Institute of Music and the 92nd Street Y will offer performances, classes for school children, adult education, mentorship, and more while providing Curtis with its first-ever base in New York City.
“Together we will amplify the performance and educational offerings of both our institutions, reach new audiences, and deepen our relationships with the communities we serve”, observed Andrew Lane, VP of touring and artist management at Curtis, in announcing the partnership.
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