RPO Research Reveals Classical Music Could Have 6.2 Million More Listeners This Year

New research commissioned by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (RPO) has revealed that a third of the 2,020 people surveyed by MaruBlue who admitted ‘not knowing much’ about classical music intend to give it a go this year. This equates to around 6.2 million adults in the UK.
The RPO’s survey also revealed the factors encouraging people to discover new genres of music, with emphasis on access to live performances. A third of people felt having music on their doorstep was key to trying something new, while one in five felt the Government needed to do more to support UK venues. Additionally, around a quarter felt that low-cost tickets would be a big incentive.
Froh und zuversichtlich gestimmt – Kulturstaatsministerin Claudia Roth zu den neuen Beschlüssen in Sachen Pandemie-Bewältigung
Zu den heutigen Beschlüssen der Videoschaltkonferenz des Bundeskanzlers mit den Regierungschefinnen und Regierungschefs der Länder erklärt Kulturstaatsministerin Claudia Roth: „Die heutigen Beschlüsse des Bundeskanzlers mit den Regierungschefinnen und Regierungschefs der Länder stimmen mich froh und zuversichtlich – läuten sie doch eine etappenweise Rückkehr zu einem normalisierten gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen Leben ein.
Für die Kulturbranche sind die Erleichterungen für überregionale Großveranstaltungen und für Clubs und Diskotheken besonders erfreulich, denn gerade in diesen Bereichen haben die Akteurinnen und Akteure über viele Monate hinweg besonders unter den notwendigen Beschränkungen gelitten.

Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth on the New Decisions Regarding Pandemic Management
Commenting on the video conference of the Federal Chancellor with the heads of government of the federal states, Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth said: “Today’s decisions of the Federal Chancellor with the heads of government of the federal states make me happy and confident – after all, they herald a gradual return to a normalised social and cultural life.”
“For the cultural sector, the relief for major supra-regional events and for clubs and discos is particularly gratifying, because it is precisely in these areas that the players have suffered particularly from the necessary restrictions for many months”.
Un Rigoletto de Verdi transformé pour ouvrir l’opéra aux enfants aveugles ou sourds
Comme pour leurs 10.000 camarades invités au Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, 90 jeunes handicapés ont pu accéder à l’art lyrique à travers des ateliers de toucher ou une traduction en chansigne.
Rigoletto fait peau neuve. Pour ses quinze représentations se tenant du 4 au 16 février au Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, le dix-septième opéra de Giuseppe Verdi, rebaptisé Un Rigoletto – Les Mystères du Théâtre, consacre douze d’entre elles aux scolaires. Traduite en français, l’œuvre se voit réduite à 1 heure 15 de spectacle -sans entracte- au lieu des 3 heures habituelles.

Verdi’s Rigoletto Transformed to Open Opera to Blind and Deaf Children
As for their 10,000 friends invited to the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, 90 young people with disabilities were able to access the art of opera through touching workshops or a translation into song.
Rigoletto is getting a makeover. For its fifteen performances held from February 4 to 16 at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, Giuseppe Verdi’s seventeenth opera, renamed Un Rigoletto – Les Mystères du Théâtre, devotes twelve of them to school children. Translated into French, the work is reduced to 1 hour 15 minutes of performance -without intermission- instead of the usual 3 hours.
Gilmore Gets $8M to Endow a New Jazz Award
With an endowment gift of $8 million, the Gilmore has established a new quadrennial award for jazz pianists that parallels the current one for classical artists (The Gilmore Artist Award), the most recipient of which was Igor Levit, in 2018.
The new award is named for Larry J. Bell, founder of the Bell Brewery in Kalamazoo, MI, where the Gilmore is based. Like the Gilmore Artist Award, the Larry J. Bell Jazz Artist brings its recipient $300,000 – $50,000 cash plus $250,000 over four years for furthering their artistry and career. The first award will be made in 2026.
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