Classic FM Opens Britain’s Big Platinum Performance Competition

Classical music radio station Classic FM will work with UK leisure-time music organisation Making Music this year to mark The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with the Britain’s Big Platinum Performance competition. Professional recordings of the winning submissions will be presented to Her Majesty as a jubilee gift.
The partnership invites leisure-time groups from across the UK to submit a recording of a celebratory piece of music. Seven winning groups will be selected by a panel of judges to have their performances professionally recorded, presented to The Queen as a gift and featured on Classic FM.
Reaching over 5 million listeners every week, Classic FM aims to make classical music accessible and relevant to everyone. The brand’s managing editor, Philip Noyce, said: ‘We’re looking forward to shining the spotlight on some of the nation’s hugely talented, non-professional music groups; to recognise their talents and introduce them to the millions of listeners to Classic FM.’
Bund setzt Förderprogramm für Orchester nochmals fort: Erneut bis zu 400.000 Euro zusätzliche Subventionen pro Ensemble
Die Bundesregierung setzt ihr Förderprogramm für öffentliche und frei finanzierte Orchester und Ensembles fort. Für das Programm “Exzellente Orchesterlandschaft” gibt es in diesem vierten Jahr 5,4 Millionen Euro an Finanzmitteln, teilte Kulturstaatsministerin Claudia Roth.
Einzelne Klangkörper können im Rahmen des Programms bis zu 400.000 Euro beantragen. Das Geld soll die Klangkörper über einen Zeitraum von zwei Jahren bei der Realisierung neuer Präsentations- und Musikvermittlungsformate unterstützen.

German Federal Government Continues Funding Program for Orchestras
The federal government is continuing its support program for public and privately financed orchestras and ensembles. There will be 5.4 million euros in funding for the “Excellent Orchestral Landscape” program in this fourth year, announced Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth.
Individual orchestras can apply for up to 400,000 euros under the program. The money is to support the orchestras over a period of two years in the realization of new presentation and music mediation formats.
Le marché français de la musique enregistrée est en plein boom
Le Syndicat national de l’édition phonographique (SNEP) vient de publier son bilan annuel du marché français de la musique enregistrée. Les nouvelles sont bonnes : le secteur, avec 861 millions d’euros de chiffre d’affaires, affiche une croissance à deux chiffres (14,3 %) par rapport à 2020, une première depuis vingt ans. « C’est une cinquième année consécutive de hausse, avec en 2021 un résultat largement positif qui confirme la dynamique de croissance enregistrée depuis 2017 », analyse le SNEP.
Si la tendance des dernières années est positive, il faut cependant noter que le chiffre d’affaires des ventes de musique en France en 2021 reste encore très inférieur à celui de 2002 (1.432 M€), année historique qui marque un tournant avec l’arrivée du piratage massif et la chute progressive des ventes de CD.

The French Recorded Music Market is Booming
The Syndicat national de l’édition phonographique (SNEP) has just published its annual report on the French recorded music market. The news is good: the sector, with €861 million in sales, is showing double-digit growth (14.3%) compared to 2020, a first in twenty years. “This is a fifth consecutive year of increase, with in 2021 a largely positive result that confirms the growth dynamic recorded since 2017,” analyzes the SNEP.
While the trend of recent years is positive, it should be noted that the turnover of music sales in France in 2021 is still far below that of 2002 (€1,432 million), a historic year that marks a turning point with the arrival of massive piracy and the gradual decline in CD sales.
LA Opera and Hamburg Ballet Join Forces for St. Matthew Passion

Though the inexhaustibly gifted Johann Sebastian Bach never wrote an opera, his mighty St. Matthew Passion comes close enough to tempt an opera company to try it on for size. So LA Opera rolled the dice Saturday night for what was on paper its most unconventional main stage production of an otherwise conventional season.
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