Ofqual Chairman Ian Bauckham Responds to ISM Letter Criticising His Comments on Suspending Music Lessons For Other Subjects
His suggestion that music teaching in schools could be ‘suspended’ amid teaching staff shortages due to Covid was met with anger earlier this month.
Ian Bauckham has responded to ISM chief executive Deborah Annetts’ letter calling on him to ‘retract’ his comments about pausing school music lessons to free up teachers to cover other subjects.
Chair of Ofqual and CEO of the Tenax Schools Trust, Bauckham writes that the examples of music, PSHE and RSHE that he gave in his ‘emergency’ timetable case study were ‘not intended to imply any hierarchy whatsoever’, adding that he views the benefits of music education as ‘profound’.
Annetts’ letter in response to Bauckham’s initial comments suggested that he had ‘overstepped’ his remit as chair of Ofqual.
Mehr Geld des NDR für Kulturförderung
Der Norddeutsche Rundfunk fördert das Kulturleben in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in diesem Jahr mit knapp 740 000 Euro – etwa 20 000 Euro mehr als im vergangenen Jahr. Von dem Geld, das laut Rundfunkgesetz aus dem Rundfunkbeitrag bereitgestellt werde, profitierten Festivals, Chöre, Orchester und Theater des Landes, teilte der NDR am Mittwoch mit.
Allein auf die Musikförderung entfallen demnach knapp 570 000 Euro. Unterstützung erhielten etwa 40 Projekte, darunter zum Beispiel eine musikalische Reise durch Gutshäuser Mecklenburgs, oder die Orgelspiele MV, die im Mai in mehreren Orten stattfinden sollen.
NDR Commits €750k Towards Cultural Funding
Dresden’s cultural institutions have committed to climate protection and signed a charter for sustainability. Specifically, twelve institutions have committed themselves to conscientious use of ecological, social and economic resources, the city administration announced on Thursday. The commitment is linked to an appeal to all institutions and actors in art and culture to join the charter and make their own efforts.
Speranza Scappucci devient la première cheffe d’orchestre italienne à diriger la Scala de Milan
La cheffe d’orchestre Speranza Scappucci deviendra mardi 18 janvier la première femme italienne à diriger la Scala de Milan. En remplacement d’Evelino Pido, elle assurera jusqu’au 2 février la direction de la production de l’opéra “I Capuleti e i Montecchi” de Bellini.
La Scala de Milan est l’une des maisons d’opéra italiennes les plus prestigieuses au monde. Pourtant, aucune femme d’origine italienne n’y avait jamais dirigé l’orchestre. Tout juste nommée directrice de l’orchestre de la Scala de Milan, Speranza Scappucci raconte cette prise de poste inédite au micro de Jean-Baptiste Urbain
Speranza Scappucci becomes the first Italian female to conduct La Scala in Milan
The conductor Speranza Scappucci will become the first Italian woman to conduct La Scala in Milan. Replacing Evelino Pido, she will conduct the production of Bellini’s opera “I Capuleti e i Montecchi” until February 2.
La Scala in Milan is one of the most prestigious Italian opera houses in the world. However, no woman of Italian origin had ever conducted the orchestra there. Speranza Scappucci, who has just been appointed director of the orchestra of La Scala in Milan, spoke to Jean-Baptiste Urbain about this new position.
Finalists Announced at Detroit’s 2022 Sphinx Competition
The Sphinx Organization, a US non-profit organization dedicated to the development of young American Black and Latin classical musicians, hosts a competition and conference every year to showcase young talent throughout America.
Originally slated to be held in Detroit with in-person participation, both events have now pivoted to virtual-only owing to uncertainty over the COVID-19 variant developments.