BBC Launches Young Composer Prom

This year will see the first ever BBC Young Composer Prom featuring six pieces commissioned from 2021 competition winners. The initiative will also launch refreshed education resources and a teacher training network. To offer better development for a rising number of applicants, the Young Composer competition will now take place every other year.
The Prom will take place at Battersea Arts Centre on 30 July with pieces performed by the BBC Concert Orchestra conducted by Alice Farnham. The winners of the 2021 competition supported and mentored by composers Dobrinka Tabakova and Gavin Higgins, will deliver pieces on the theme of ‘BBC 100, celebrating 100 years of the BBC’.
Higgins said: ‘2020 and 2021 was incredibly hard for young people in the UK and so I was overwhelmed and humbled by the quality and creativity I saw from our young composers…The support the BBC provides to the next generation of creatives is more important than ever’.
Olivia Hyunsin Kim wird 360° Composer in Residence
Die Staatsoper Hannover startet in der Spielzeit 2022/23 ein spannendes Experiment: Sie öffnet ihre Türen für die Künstlerin Olivia Hyunsin Kim, die als Composer in Residence gemeinsam mit Expertinnen und Experten des Hauses neue Impulse für das Musiktheater entwickelt.
Seit 2019 ist das Niedersächsische Staatstheater Hannover eine von insgesamt 39 Kultureinrichtungen in Deutschland, die sich im Rahmen des „360°-Fonds für Kulturen der neuen Stadtgesellschaft“ der Kulturstiftung des Bundes intensiv mit Prozessen auseinandersetzt, deren Ziel die Öffnung der Institutionen sowie die Diversifizierung von Publikum und Personal sind. Hauptziel ist dabei die Entwicklung und Gestaltung einer zeitgemäßen Kunst, Kultur, Musik und eines modernen, vielfältigen Programmangebots für eine diverse Stadtgesellschaft.

Olivia Hyunsin Kim Becomes 360° Composer in Residence In Hanover
The Hanover State Opera is launching an exciting experiment in the 2022/23 season: it is opening its doors to the artist Olivia Hyunsin Kim, who will develop new impulses for music theater as Composer in Residence together with experts from the house.
Since 2019, the Lower Saxony State Theater in Hanover has been one of a total of 39 cultural institutions in Germany that, as part of the “360° Fund for Cultures of the New Urban Society” of the German Federal Cultural Foundation, is intensively engaged in processes aimed at opening up institutions and diversifying audiences and staff. The main goal here is to develop and shape contemporary art, culture, music and a modern, diverse range of programs for a diverse urban society.
Nicholas Angelich, le prince du piano, est mort
Arrivé à Paris à l’âge de 13 ans pour suivre l’enseignement d’Aldo Ciccolini au Conservatoire, le grand pianiste américain n’en était jamais reparti. Cet interprète inspiré de Bach, Beethoven, Liszt et Brahms est décédé le 18 avril, à l’âge de 51 ans.

In Honour of Nicholas Angelich
The great American pianist Nicholas Angelich arrived in Paris at the age of 13 to be taught by Aldo Ciccolini at the Conservatoire and never left. This inspired interpreter of Bach, Beethoven, Liszt and Brahms died on 18 April at the age of 51.
Solti Foundation Picks BSO Assistant For $30,000 Prize

The Solti Foundation U.S. has tapped Earl E. Lee, assistant conductor of Boston Symphony Orchestra, as the 2022 recipient of the Sir Georg Solti Conducting Award. This annual recognition, now over two decades old, goes to a promising American conductor of 38 years or younger and provides a cash prize of $30,000 as well as essential career guidance and industry connections.
The Korean-Canadian conductor has led the San Francisco Symphony, Seoul Philharmonic, Ann Arbor Symphony, the New York Philharmonic, the Mostly Mozart Festival, and the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam. His past positions include assistant and resident conductor of the Pittsburgh and Toronto symphonies, respectively.
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